On the liberal side, you have "Donald Trump is an existential threat who will end American democracy if he gets elected".
And on the conservative side, you've got a "Godking Emperor Trump will remake America in his image" wing and a "Jewish Puppet master Jared Kushner is going to hand America over to the Chinese Muslim Illegal Cartel Cabals to steal all the adrenochrome in the white babies" wing.
What is the rational response if you believe even a fraction of this? I'm amazed we haven't seen more shootings to date.
Is Trump not an existential threat to democracy? We saw all the laws passed in Republican states in 2020 to further restrict voting after he lost, which was merely a continuation of Republican behavior.
Both sides are not the same, one has done and plans to do more harm than the other.
Not so existential that anyone would actually advocate shooting him. But that's what makes the rhetoric so dizzying. You'd think "ending democracy" would be on par with anything Al Awlaki or Qasem Soleimani was up to. And look how we treated them.
Both sides are not the same
No. If this had been a shot at Biden, you'd have sitting Reps openly cheering.
But the contradiction is driving people nuts regardless.
Democrats are still complicit as the ratchet mechanism to keep us from moving even an inch to the left as both parties march further right in lockstep service to corporate interests.