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Daily Discussion Thread: 🏯 Saturday, July 20, 2024


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  • I purchased another security cam which is going to face the back shed area. Unfortunately I can't actually find a position for it to watch over the back road gate/fence and the shed at the same time, so I settled for just a view of the fence. Maybe when my 3 stolen phones eventually get replaced, I could look at setting them up around the other sides of the house, just to keep an eye on everything. That was the original plan, anyway.

    But this morning I noticed the paint cans keeping the shed door closed had been moved again. This time there's no doubt in my mind that it was not the wind, although I don't quite feel certain it was the other kid yet. I mean, logically, that's pretty much the only person it could be, but why? What would he get from moving paint cans and opening the shed door? It's just an odd thing to do. There's not even anything in the shed anymore, because he stole all the old equipment and such that we had in there. Here's a rather shitty MS paint drawing of what I mean:

    I don't think it's possible for the wind to do that.

    • Didn't you say him and his friends used it to smoke in there? Maybe the friends are still using it?

      Also how full are the tins because its been quite windy?

      • Yeah I did say that. That is a good thought, and entirely possible. But I thought he would've told them he no longer lives here.

        Paint cans are about half full, probably about 1kg each. But where they've ended up doesn't seem like somewhere the wind would've pushed them

    • Is there a window or view from inside that you can point towards the shed?

      • Yep. The laundry window faces the shed, although unfortunately not the side gate. I've mounted the camera on top of the washing machine which had a decent vantage point

        • It’s probably too dark now but tomorrow place the can back in front of the door.

          Also check for fresh signs of smoking.

          Don’t confront anyone that you notice, call the authorities instead.

          Also sometimes an automatic sensor light coming on might spook them.

          • Tonight I put one of our wooden outdoor benches next to it. it's fairly light, so i'd suppose they would still move it if they wanted to. We do actually have an auto sensor light, but theres a spider living in there which sets it off every couple of minutes, and my new camera is good in low light or regular light, but takes a solid 20 sec to adjust between sudden light changes, so I decided to just flip the light switch a few times which makes it stay on until turned off again

            Edit: I realised I needed to text the cameras motion detection thingy, so I went outside and put the paint cans back. To be honest, I want whoever's moving it to do it again tonight so I can get them on camera and know for sure who/what/when it's happening. Or if by some almost miracle it is the wind or some sort of wild animal, I want to know so my mind can be put back at rest. I don't want whatever's causing it to get spooked and leave it alone. I confirmed the camera's motion detection works fine as well.

    • sprinkle talc or flour all around on the floor , it will show footprints

      • I don't have talc, and I actually think he stole my flour (along with pretty much all my spices) before I left, but if I have some I might. Won't the rain kind of ruin it though?

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