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  • Can we revoke his government contracts now?

    • I mean, they didn't even do that when he literally fucked up a Ukrainian operation against Russia.

      Money rules this country. It stopped being a democratic republic a long time ago.

  • I am annoyed by folks who say "AR-15 Assault rifle" its a fucken AR-15 and im pretty sure the one used was at best in something closer to a range rifle or sharpshooter configuration. Most of what makes an assault rifle are pretty random but I feel like selective fire is a pretty important one. Aight gun rant over.

    Also I wish BARs were more common cause I feel like theyd have a good hunting community due to being .308.

    • I think it's because non-gun people see "AR-15", hear it being called an assault rifle, and assume the AR stands for Assault Rifle. It doesn't, it stands for ArmaLite Rifle, but good luck breaking that association in their minds.

      • Yeah I know, I just find it real fucken annoying, its like the term assault weapon. It means nothing and is literally just a buzz word, and I really wish folks would nock it off. Learn at least a modicum about firearms before ya start yapping, I dont mind if folks want to put slight restrictions around certain weapons just dont be stupid.

        If ya think ya can create a gun completely out of 3D printed materials barrel and all. Well I have a carbon fibre submarine to sell ya.

    • "Most of what makes an assault rifle are pretty random but I feel like selective fire is a pretty important one. Aight gun rant over."

      As someone trained in an army, it's weird seeing American politics trying to pretend like being able to switch to full automatic is somehow a game changer, that that needs to be the line, that that is what makes a firearm properly dangerous. First off, you don't use full auto really anywhere. You use semi-auto, double-shots, center-mass. Secondly, those "bump-stocks" are awful easy to make for the semi-autos already sold at supermarkets in the US.

      Most of what makes an assault rifle is a somewhat large magazine capacity and semi-automatic firing. Look at pretty much any conflict since a bit after WWI. What were the major advantages of the M1 Garand, for instance? It's not a huge mag, 8-round internal box magazine, but that added with the semi-automatic firing makes it far superior to any bolt-action rifle.

      Point being if it shoots rather fast and has several bullets, you should probably have some regulations on it.

      • I wasnt even thinking about full auto when I said selective fire, I was thinking burst more specifically three shot. I was also very tired when I made that whole comment hence why its so scatter brained.