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  • I don't experience motivation hardly ever, but I sure have plenty of obligations to keep me moving. It's a matter of forcing yourself to do the thing until you break apart and die as far as I've discerned.

  • By having long term goals. If you're working toward something bigger in life each day is just progress on that journey.

    If you don't have any long term goals start thinking about where you want to be in 5 or 10y and make some. Then you can think about how to get there and start making short and medium term goals to help you along the way.

  • i have a morning routine that mostly revolves around listening to a few regular news podcasts as i wake up, shower, and shave. listening to thee news distracts me from how tired i am.

    then, obvs, coffee at work

  • Rituals and setting myself up to enjoy the morning- super yummy overnight oats, skincare routine, pour over coffee or a visit to my favorite coffee shop, watching my favorite GTA RP streamer... After all that, my brain has released the entirety of its dopamine for the day, and I crawl back into bed until lunch/dinner 🥹

  • I don't, I just finally gained the willpower to get up and do shit even though I'm not motivated. Very often in life, you have to do shit you don't wanna do. This doesn't mean your life sucks and that you cannot find any joy in your day, this is simply a fact of life. Once you accept this and stop having feelings about it, it's 100% easier to go about your day. I don't think this is a modern day thing, either. I'm sure you could pick any time period in history and find a human that wasn't thrilled with the idea of getting up and doing XYZ thing that they had to do that day in order to survive.

  • I like having a roof over my head and food on the table, therefore I need to work.

  • I don't close my curtains when I sleep, because that way, I can actually see the sunshine (or clouds) when I wake up. Bright stuff tends to make me attentive.

  • I look forward to skating or riding to work most days, but some days I struggle to find motivation.

    Oh, also coffee.

  • Go to the gym at 5am before going to work. Good jumpstart to the day and then after work I can do whatever.