Actually asking (rule)
Actually asking (rule)
Actually asking (rule)
Factory default for me
It's good enough for my typical use-case so I've just stuck with it
Yeah, me too.
Too much work to learn how a new system works inside and out, but I can focus on interoperability
If you run HRT you can choose to keep the same hardware and interoperability and also have the benefit of a free and open choice of gender. It will require a little research to get started, but there is great documentation on the lgbtqia wiki (mtf btw)*.
*(not actually mtf, just referencing "arch btw")
hey neat, I found the cisgender sub-thread! me too.
Same here. As fun as it might be trying out another gender, it’s far too complicated, and I’d rather mess with NixOS
Same here. I like wearing skirts and being pretty but I'm a cis guy. Due to my exploration of gender expression my friends are occasionally like "Are you sure you're cis?" And I'm just like "Yep, still a man unfortunately. I'd straight up be something else if I could but nope. Still a dude."
The "Work/Government Issued" one make me laugh because I served in the US military, and a handful of years ago, they approved gender reassignment surgery for trans people.
You're allowed to receive one "cosmetic" surgery for free while serving in the US military, and this counted for that. So you could literally be "issued" a new gender by the government, for free.
Trump became president, and while military people were signing up for gender reassignment surgery, he randomly ordered that trans people weren't allowed in the military and had to be kicked out immediately. So a bunch of people who outed themselves to take advantage of the surgery suddenly were at risk of losing their jobs.
Fortunately, the Department of Defense put a hold on those orders and managed to talk Trump out of kicking people out for being trans. But I guarantee, if he becomes president again, he's not going to be talked out of it again.
Military issued boobs is a hilarious sentence, wonder if they come in camo
Breast augmentation is one of the more common cosmetic surgeries in the military. I actually knew someone who had hers reduced in size because they were too big and interfering with her life. Plus, wearing heavy flak vests with armor plating is painful if you have boobs, and next-to-impossible if they're massive.
I also had another coworker who got implants because she said her flat chest was affecting her mental health, self-image, and confidence. Now she's one of the more confident and outgoing people I know in the military.
The most common surgery, actually, was LASIK/PRK eye surgery. For most of my career, it was considered a cosmetic surgery. The military defined "cosmetic surgery" as any unnecessary surgery a member elected to have done. You didn't need to fix your eyesight, because the military would issue you glasses. So it was cosmetic.
However, in the last handful of years I was in, someone successfully argued that getting your eyes corrected would improve your effectiveness at work, and thus was a benefit to the military, not just the member. Plus, they started allowing people to become pilots if they had the PRK surgery. (You need perfect vision to be a pilot, and eye surgery used to ban you from the job.) So eye surgery is no longer a cosmetic surgery.
Mine came from a floppy disk that I can't read anymore.
You just go booting up random genderware like that?
You'll get Stuxnetted.
Uninstalled (it was bloat)
Ah, so that's why so many Linux users are nonbinary.
I myself am running stock options.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as nonbinary, is in fact, UNG/nonbinary, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, UNG plus nonbinary. Nonbinary is not an operating gender unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning UNG system made useful by the UNG corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full gender as defined by POSIX.
*UNG -> UNG's Not (a) Gender
I like the idea of pirating my gender. Sounds like I pilfered someone's penis. Which is just an objectively fun sentence to say.
No, you misunderstand how pirating works.
You find yourself someone with a working set of genitalia that may or may not have been slightly tampered with, you click and in an unspecified amount of time you have those genitalia working on your system (may require some fiddling with the settings).
After all this you can redistribute your genitalia to whoever requests this for as long as you are willing to provide them, or even stop your own distribution without losing acces to operate it and fiddle with it at will.
so it's dick cloning 👍
not per the poor person whose peen was pilfered
I replaced my old proprietary gender with a free and open source one
This is kind of blursed
It's factory installed bloat. But a lot of legacy software relies on it, so uninstalling it is a hassle.
one night i was pondering gender stuff because my internet circle became queer enough that out became common to see chosen genders around and i thought that i didn't want to be a girl, being a guy was fine, but i would like to be a creature.
and now i'm he/they :3
so, uh. software update ig
You wouldn't download a gender
Hey I found this dick fair and square! It fits perfectly. But I'm still looking for a bigger one.
Immediately reminded me of King Missile.
What about 3D printing one?
May work well for show, but remember that fdm prints are never food safe.
As a diligent worker drone living paycheck to paycheck:
Work/Government Issued
Incompatibilities between hardware and software caused data corruption. This resulted in hangups and increasingly frequent crashes. It was necessary to download a new gender, which is currently being installed.
Def just bloat. How am I supposed to carry all these limes while thinking about the metaphysical connotations of gender and society?
You carry these limes on a Limewire, duh
Lol uninstalled it was bloat unironically here.
My first exploration of gender fluidity was realizing that on the internet, my bits don't matter and i don’t experience gender, so why do sites keep asking?
May I respectfully ask you about how it is like being gender fluid?
Almost nothing is different but i feel less restricted.
It also important to note i am an autist and i have always felt like the expectation of society dont match my reality.
When i got together with my partner i did not have much experience and i warned her i might be asexual (i am not but sex remains overrated)
I am still a dad to my kids, a husband to my wife. Because in context to them my gender makes sense. There are definitely some gender stereotypes in our household even. Outside my household i just found i dont need to express gender, it rarely comes up. Very few people know but i am not hiding it.
I am super chill about pronouns though, you can call me whatever, as a teen i got upset when people thought i was a girl for my long hair, now a compliment.
The biggest perk is not caring about how many products are gendered, i just get the stuff i like no matter if its pink with flowers. I refuse to apologize or be embarrassed for my harmless expression of personal taste.
I have always questioned certain things like genders for clothes limiting my expression, i do not identify as a women but i do recognize a feminine part, there are typed of Victorian dresses that i think would look awesome with my long hair and a beard.
I am against alpha male bully attitudes and a much more emotional and softer person then is expected of me.
As an adult I realized i love dancing and i now know i might have even liked ballet but i never got into any of it cause dancing was for my sisters.
My Minecraft skin has always appeared more feminine and i know thats not just the guy plays girl trope. As an austist that game is some sort of sanctum for me to be myself. It may seem small but ut was one of the first clear positive feelings with female expression. I just didn’t know it yet but i already subconsciously understood that in virtual space expressing my biological sex has no point.
My dad has a complex history and was bullied into believing they where gay and was thought not to cry or show emotion. I turned that into the most Powerfull and brave thing you can do as a man (or other) is whatever you feel like and not care about how other people may perceive you as not fitting an expected standard. And emotions are just life, crying is psychological progress. Knowing what is good for you isn’t embarrassing.
I heard Nemo on eurosong, with the power that comes from them you can build twice the man my dad believed he acted like. Their song made me tell my partner about my realization. They took it well.
Isn't this dynamically assigned at boot? I'm still not sure about how (different forms of) gender fluidity work. I believe I personally am agender but am not sure yet and still confused.
Brains are unique so identify comes in many flavors.
Many people experience a uniform and unchanging sense of gender identity, This can be anywhere on the spectrum. Binary, between or other, kitty.
Gender fluidity as I understand it is more dynamic and can change, for some people day by day for me its the social context and the logical realization that except for sex my sex should be irrelevant.
I still have a defined radius which is guess is assigned at boot. I identity as agender, nonbinary, and between male and agender but i have never identified as a women.
Data corruption/re-write. Installed a bunch of psychedelic programs I bought on the black market and restructured my OS from the kernel level. Worth it because shutdown/sleep signals were being ignored as well as CPU buffer trashing issues (resulting in system crashes, hangups, etc.). Works a lot better now, but handshakes are difficult because my non-conforming configuration isn't recognized by the majority of the network. Still very much worth it though as I find complete network access isn't exactly necessary.
my non-conforming configuration isn't recognized by the majority of the network
This could be a case of nodes running outdated software, the current standard protocols can handle any unknown configuration just fine. These are a source of a lot of holes and vulnerabilities that can pose a serious risk, they should be updated as soon as possible. If you have to keep outdated systems in your network e.g. running on legacy hardware, or make the ocasional connection, you'll have to monitor them and isolate them from your critical infrastructure, at least with a good firewall and a strict configuration when possible.
Found it on a usb stick in a parking lot
Government issued and it was bloat AND it was proprietary gender. I don't want any gender without access to the source, and the freedom to use, copy, modify, and redistribute (even charging a price) said gender as I wish.
Excluding copy and redistribute, is there a gender thats proprietary?
If it doesn't respect the Four Essential Freedoms of Free Gender it is not Free and Open Source Gender.
-The freedom to use the gender as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
-The freedom to study how the gender works, and change it so it does behave as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
-The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
-The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
I'm whatever you need me to be to achieve orgasm.
Careful, you might turn into a couch when you least expect it
A kind and caring lover? 🥺
hmm. I was assigned m but I think I prefer she/her but being female isn't actually something I want to be. Tbh my online friends calling me Toad makes me happier than either gender. So in short my gender is me.
Hi Toad!
Do we count as online friends?
I took what came out of the box, very much factory default here. My offspring are figuring it out at the minute, Imma let them cook.
Beta testing a system update. Lots of improvements here. This beta has been open for quite a while, and it seems to be catching on. It's already more or less stable. I expect mass adoption with somewhat regional distribution at the 1.0 release. Of course you'll have the stragglers insisting the out-dated version was better. In comparison I find it clunky, restrictive, and demanding. Our processing power has increased in orders of magnitude; why we'd want to keep using an archaic way of doing things like this is a head scratcher.
Compatibility reasons with legacy code, and still more simple than the new beta software. Encourages further propagation of the software downstream through easier reproduction and simpler creation of child processes
Static DHCP Lease
Ded hot chili peppers
I have a little wheel that I spin every morning
Boobs are awesome.
End of story
Boobs are universal, everyone loves boobs. Men, women, kids, gay, straight, everything in between and all across the spectrum. They're fundamental to life, boobs are great and should be celebrated every chance we get.
jiggle jiggle
Factory default, but I tweaked it a bit and installed a few add-ons.
Same. I really didn't feel at home until I went through the gender-crisis config and made the setup my own. At first I was overwhelmed by all the different distros genders, but I was jazzed to discover how much you can customise in the factory default.
Uninstalled so I could enable expert mode
Uninstalled. Bloatware. The only pronoun this cognitive substrate requires is "it" :3
Didn't get one from the factory, never installed my own. Do I need one?
Only if you plan on playing competitive
So it's cool to play unranked without one then? Great!
Factory default, I'm boring but a good selection of my long term boyfriends have been bi (I dgaf), so I don't know what that says about me lol. People sometimes assume I'm gay, but I've never questioned my gender or sexuality. Lots of friends across the rainbow though, luv you all. I have gay and trans family so it isn't something that I've ever seen as "not normal."
I didn't write my own, but I did clone the git repo, and then compiled it myself.
It was freeware, but a nightmare to install. I learned several new languages that weren't even necessary in the end. There was no wiki, just disparate posts on decade old forums, most of which were misinformation. Definitely a learning experience.
Factory default but apparently I'm one of those models that run a combination of software designed for other models.
copied a friend's
how the hell, is it that common ??
It's not uncommon for someone to go "my friend just figured out some gender stuff and now they're exactly what I'd like to be... Oooh ahh gender thoughts!"
On the flip side, I remember being like 8ish and my friend told me that I shouldn't say "cheers" to say thank you, because that's what boys say (indeed, I had picked it up from my brother and dad). Instead, I should say "ta" (or just "thanks"). That is so incredibly gender, I can scarcely believe it happened.
Huh. I was thinking that's the default. Children emulating the world around them as they develop. Copying from their peers
When I first booted, it was assigned then
Factory default. Put a dick in my mouth a few times for spice
Uninstalled for sure. Obviously this is just a personal thing but any gender just feels like an arbitrary list of restrictions to me.
I identify as a cis male but essentially feel the same way. The social trappings of my gender are just that. It has about as much to do with my actual identity as my hair colour does. "Factory default" because I don't care enough to bother.
Factory default, but at least I'm compatible with all other models.
Factory default here
wrote my own lol / piecework from stuff randomly found on the internet
it's open source anyways (at least the kernel) in case anyone wants a copy :D
Been writing my own, a fork that's almost identical to the factory original. I think I messed up one of the .ini files, hair loss is happening on the scalp
Remember, it's not stealing, it's pirating!
Lets do it together 💖
Data corruption, it’s a bunch of garbled stuff that I can’t make heads or tails off.
Miraculously, everything keeps working. So I don’t dare to interfere because it might crash the system :)
I derived mine through scientific observation the way we detect black holes through the behaviors of nearby bodies (or through gravitational lensing and accretion discs).
Gender is very important to some people. We see this with trans folk who will suffer social stigmatization, take hormones and undergo medical procedures to identify as a gender they weren't assigned at birth. We see this with alpha males who do not feel masculine enough, no matter how big the bumper nuts on their wide-bed SUV.
I don't feel this at all. I have an [M] on my state ID. My body has the boy bits, but meh. As a young adult, I thought I just was confident in my masculinity, only I didn't do anything that was particularly masculine.
As a kid, to man up was to take care of business. These days, it seems it might have been related to pony up which is to pay the ante, since it often is about paying bills. But I was taught this was expected of everyone who was an adult, and is in fact called adulting to make sure bills are paid and household chores are managed enough to keep the larder full, the dishes clean and the elements and pests out. (Sometimes adulting was calling the utility company and asking them to please wait since I don't have the money yet. It still counts.)
Also in my youth, we had Cold War notions of manhood, which was the capacity to have unthinkable levels of violent power that you never use in any untoward fashion. Nukes were the ur-example, and guns were the obvious domestic example, but the gun was one of a dozen power tools that were only to be used with full safety precautions for their intended purpose.
But now, these days, gun owners believe the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives them the right to shoot people they don't like, and our elected officials act like children on the floor of their respective parliamentary halls and Dick Cheney shot judge Harry Whittington, and Whittington apologized to Cheney because WTF?
So I'm enby: don't care. There are no characteristics or traits I can imagine one sex should have that the other sex shouldn't. I am the black hole that no-one would notice except for all the stars.
I'm testing different software as I'm not fully aware of what my requirements are. All of it behaves differently, and comes with different perks so I'm trying to see if the non factory software is for me.
Ya'll have gemders?
Failed copy/paste
I clicked on the little dice image to the right of the drop down field
Mine came with a DRM key I had to use a special card to read, and now I've lost the card so I'm stuck in this gender unless I want to leave it and never get it back.
cis He/They user so I guess that counts as dual boot
I was fine with the factory default, but I rarely ever used it so I unsubscribed. It's of no use to me.
so I actually googled pirating a gender and it lead me to this
the government is just letting you download a human, for free.
Wha... wow you learn something every day.