A Kawasaki ninja 650. It might not sound like much. But, its given me something to look forward too. Before I was really lost. I thought life just isn't worth living. But now? I still feel like that. But, its given me such a sense of freedom, and, whilst I haven't actually met any other bikers yet. It just feels a lot nicer. Like, when I'm out and I see another, its just a simple not. But, I feel apart of something now.
I've been riding around 2 weeks now. But I still get giddy when I ride. I love it. More than anything I've had before. And I haven't felt like this since I was with my first gf.
It certainly isn't a bad bike by any means, fun as hell to ride as well. I also love riding, we have a big group now and go away for a weekend of riding ever so often. Just feels like a mini holiday everytime.
I don't know where your based, but expect me to wave when we meet!