People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
People of Lemmy, I dare you to name ONE billionaire that's done anything good.
Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation will probably eradicate polio.
Before people jump on the bandwagon about how Gates is evil and problematic, that there are no virtuous billionaires, and a government or an NGO or an equivalent should have been the one to do it... I know. But the question was "name one billionaire that's done anything good," and I think it's pretty difficult to argue that eradicating polio isn't good.
On same tone, Warren Buffet.
He has also donated billions in the same charity and largely lives controversy free.
The company he’s synonymous with is very much not controversy free
Yeah, dude is asking the wrong question.
Bill gates is not curing polio, it's the doctors and scientists that are doing it.
You do know Gates left day to day operations from Microsoft for like 20 years ago and his foundation has nothing to do with Microsoft?
However, one can posit that the Gates Foundation is creating a market for vaccines that aren't of interest in the industrialized nations.
I'm not sure that subsequent doses are going to be provided as generously as the first ones.
That's not how vaccines work. The illness is already there, it's not like people get sick after you introduce a vaccine into the system. So the "market" has always been there and every dose administered is great.
The point of eradication is that once a disease is gone, you don't need to vaccinate against it any more. You've probably never been vaccinated against smallpox, for example.
The submarine dude that got rid of a few more in one go?
That voyage killed a kid too, can't really call it a good act overall
Suleman Dawood was the youngest passenger on board. He was 19 and therefore an adult capable of making his own decisions.
I wish for an explanation pls.
The OceanGate sub that imploded on the way to the Titanic.
Wasn't anywhere close to being a billionaire.
Didn't one of the Koch brothers die? That was pretty cool.
I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.
Yup rest in piss
It's pretty easy to come up with some things billionaires have done that are good. Bill Gates funding cures and prevention of diseases in the third world is one that comes to mind.
Now, if we're talking about finding an example of a billionaire whose life is on balance a good thing for humanity...that's pretty much impossible.
Elon Musk got me to stop using Twitter.
He also got me to stop using Reddit after hanging out with their CEO too. What a great guy 👍
Good acts do not make a good person. Plenty of billionaires have done good things, but they don't even come close to outweighing the bad.
I love a quote I read once in a thing about alignment. "If you fix twenty neighbor's roofs, you're Jimmy the Helpful Thatcher. But if you eat the neighbor's daughter, you're Jimmy the Cannibal, and no amount of additional carpentry assistance will change that."
Traditionally this joke is:
Bad Scottish Accent Engaged
I build 200 ships, do they call me Seamus the shipbuilder? Nae.
I paint 100 houses, do they call me Seamus the Housepainter? Nae.
But ye fuck one sheep...
A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward.
Give them a cookie and the wall
True, and they generally get ample praise for the good. The bad has, unfortunately, rewarded them with their billions.
IDK if it works in this case.
The people with power over you will inevitably use that logic to demand constant praise.
The issue is that any philantropy a billionaire does comes from money "earned" through exploitation and is never enough to un-make them a billionaire. Even if they did, it's still a single person taking the resources of millions of people and controlling it themselves to put into their pet projects, in a completely undemocratic manner - so Gates gets to benefit from the looting of Africa and then turn arounf and tell Africans how he will be allocating that stolen loot. Oh, and that man controlling so much policy in various African nations thinks Africa is overpopulated, an extremely racist eugenicist myth.
The good and bad are not separste things you can judge in isolation, any "good" a billionaire does is only possible by causing disproportionate harm. It is not as though these billionaires are personally doing much of anything, they are simply seizing resources from the public to inefficiently address problems that the public could have managed themselves if they were permitted to control their own lives, if they aren't just doing what Gates does of using donations as money laundering.
Yeah, the wording of OP's question is dumb for this reason. What person on this planet has done literally only evil things? A better question would be more like "What billionaire is genuinely a good person and why?" Personally the size of my list of "overall good" billionaires is a rounding error but at least the thread would be more interesting.
Also they just put money, they don't put ANY actual work.
Mark Cuban is a bit of a wall street asshole, but he’s created a drug company to slash the prices of generic drugs for Americans:,of%20its%20online%20pharmacy%20Wednesday.
For sure! I wanted to make sure someone chimed in on this. I forwarded it to an elderly hospital roommate who was extremely appreciative.
Do you have anything of substance to add here or are you just going to continue replying "wrong" to everyone you disagree with as if your opinion is the absolute arbiter of truth?
OK I'm sorry maybe I'm letting the autism overflow my brain but seeing you just say "wrong" to technically correct statements that answer the question presented here is just so fucking annoying. Ooooo you got so many upbears from fellow Hexbears who dont want to think but just dunk. Getting very frusterated with this community right now.
A single good thing that a single billionaire has done? The Gates foundation fighting malaria. I think that's good.
Taxing them would do even more good.
Is the topic of the thread called “Should we tax billionaires” or was it “I dare you to name one good thing a billionaire has done”?
Tax what though? There's no profit to tax.
For sure
Sure but, considering they use only 5% of the money they have for all there "good" projects and invest the ither 95% in fossil fuels. The gates Foundation is really only a little good because the law forces them to use min of 5%, to stay tax exempt. So if they didn't have to, would they still do it? I doubt that.
Anything good?
Then all of them. They are human beings, not black holes of pure evil.
I need a source for that.
Paul Allen funded a bunch of scientific and medical research, as well as quite a few museums and other public works around Seattle. He was the largest private donor to the fight against Ebola in Africa.
Sergey Brin is a big Wikimedia contributor, as came out a few years back when their donor list leaked.
also you should check out his card
It's even got a watermark.
This is probably a slightly misguided idea to go after them as bad people because as soon as they do do something "good" you leave the door open for people to think that perhaps on balance they're not so bad after all.
The problem of billionaires being billionaires is itself the chief complaint people should have. It doesn't matter if they're Mr Rogers and Santa Claus combined, because they can choose to be so entirely at will and can be selfish assholes too entirely at will. They can also be other things entirely, given they are actually human beings after all they can try to act on best intentions, but like all humans, with great ignorance or with flawed thinking. When you or I do that the consequences can be terrible, but mostly, we'd be unable to come close to the scale of impact these demi gods can leave in their wake, not to mention the "original sins" that allowed them to become billionaires in the first place leaving a legacy of nasty indirect consequences for society at large.
There's actually a lot of examples of billionaires philanthropy and as you likely expected to point out when people mentioned that, some of those acts hide less pure intention, but undoubtedly they probably really did do some good and that itself is enough to completely undermine your whole point that they never do anything good. The issue is that, with the sheer vast quantity of concentrated wealth and power they can wield, the society that supports them is bereft of a real voice in how it's resources are used. So much of the fruits of our labour end up closed off in private coffers and it undermines public institutions like democratic governments because while we may theoretically have a say in what they do, we legally have no say at all in how a billionaire spends his bucks (and I say his intentionally). They might say we oughtn't since it's their money and no one typically has a say in what the rest of us do with our money but as with most things, there's a point of extreme where this logic becomes perverse.
Can we as a society organize and innovate without billionaires? Even China changed their economy to make them possible.
Right now, writers are on strike. Hollywood workers could invest their time, make movies, and get paid afterwards. But instead, it takes people with money to do the funding.
How should big sums of money be managed? Bureaucrats work to a certain extend but hardly innovate. Which structure could ask a million people to invest a thousand dollars each and offer ethical profits?
China needed them because they wanted money from the west. If they hadn't we would have done a cold war to them long ago and they might not have been strong enough to handle it. Because they had some billionairs we took it easy on them for a while and now they are strong enough to resist our coup attempts. So it wasn't that the oligarchs class is good for anything. They just needed to be part of our system for self defence.
Billionaires don't innovate, it's the engineers/scientists/workers in their payroll.
Maybe, but they've used their power to set the system up that way, and heavily propagandized against socialized alternatives
how should big sums of money be managed
By giving them to me.
Most/all of them have done good things. A better question is are there any that have done enough good to outweigh the bad
You conveniently left out the definition of "good" so you can move the goalposts if you don't like the answers you get.
Good is anything that Pixel of Life annoys
Good is never a perfectly internally consistent category, we always have to discuss it. We just don't start with the incorrect preconception that there's such things as universal definitions except as relative claims. "The only universal is the relative" or something like Hegel said.
There’s a lot. In the late 1800s it started becoming something of a tradition for billionaires to move on to philanthropy after their retirement. J.D. Rockefeller was worth several hundred billion dollars in today’s money. He gave away close to 200 billion of it.
A more modern example that people have brought up is Bill Gates.
Yep, they are trying to buy a spot in heaven.
So they're ferengi, got it
Here's a list of them that all did one good thing in 2021
...That one guy's stupid submarine provided like a week of entertainment
Elon musk he is slowly destroying twitter
As Hedberg said, say what you will about Hitler, he did kill Hitler.
He sacrificed billions for the destruction of twitter. I can respect that. Now do Facebook
... slowly? ...😅
That one Koch brother died. The submarine guy too, he was a Standard Oil heir who took at least one other billionaire with him.
Before anyone jumps on me, billionaires suck, without exception, for reasons I don't really need to go into here, you've all heard them a million times over, and whatever good they do does not offset that in the slightest. None of them probably have been or will be a net positive influence in the world.
That said, you can probably pick out a few good things that any individual billionaire has done (and you can absolutely feel free to debate their motivations for doing those things, many of them I'm sure we're done for tax reasons, vanity, etc.)
Some of the old robber barons like Rockefeller and Carnegie (Carnegie was not technically a billionaire, but if you adjusted his wealth for inflation he would be the richest person today by a pretty comfortable margin) funded a lot of universities, libraries, etc.
Bill Gates has done some good work with vaccines despite his shitty business practices with Microsoft.
Musk is overall a shithead, I don't like him, I don't like his companies, I don't even like his vehicles. That said, I think it's pretty fair to say that Tesla has helped (though he is not solely responsible) to kick open the door for EVs to start gaining wider acceptance and adoption. And SpaceX is doing some exciting stuff, though again I dislike a lot of their methods, disagree with a few of their goals, don't like how they're run as a company, etc. But long-term I think we need to have our eyes to the stars, whether it's for settling on other worlds, mining asteroids, asteroid defense, or if I dare dream it, building a Dyson sphere, or just for scientific advancement for it's own sake, and unfortunately SpaceX is one of the major players in that field now.
Bezos hasn't done anything too flashy that comes to my mind, and like musk he is also a shithead that I dislike for pretty much the exact same reasons, excuse me for not repeating them, but he does have and donate to quite a few charities.
Again, none of that is enough to offset the shitty things they do, but I'd be surprised if you could find any very rich people who haven't at least donated to a handful of charities.
Chuck Freeney. He basically invented "Duty Free" stores and became a billionaire in the process. Then decided he should die "broke" and created The Atlantic Philanthropies secretly staking it with a little over a third of his wealth. In 2020 he closed the organization because he had given away the vast majority of his net worth. Mostly as grants to universities all over the world. He also may have low-key helped fund the IRA.
He's still got enough to live comfortably, and I'm sure his family is set up nicely.
Funding one of the biggest terrorist organisations of the 20th century doesn't sound like a very good thing to do... Same goes for all the other Americans who gave them money without realising they were (are) pretty much universally hated across all Ireland - much like how most Muslims hate IS
say it again for those in the back, Lord Mountbatten!
Comparing the IRA to ISIS is legit disgusting.
pretty much universally hated across all Ireland
tell me you aren't irish without telling me you aren't irish
What the fuck are you talking about, most Irish don't dislike the IRA, what kind of brain-dead take is that? The 1916 IRA are heroes, the British were bombarding Dublin. The black and tans were gunning down civilians, and the IRA were fighting back.
Now, the PIRA was a lot more disliked by the Irish, but after Bloody Sunday feelings became mixed. A lot of folks were vehemently against the PIRA, a lot were in support, but the vast majority just wanted the bloodshed to end.
Even then, by % of civilian casualties, the PIRA had a 30% civilian casualty rate, which isn't great. But it's literally better than some of the loyalist paramilitaries which had OVER 50% CIVILIAN CASUALTY RATES.
You go to County Clare and yell Tiochfaidh ár lá on a Saturday night and see how ""universally hated"" the RA are.
And you compare them to ISIS? My god.
Just spamming wrong everywhere isn't going to win you any debates nor convince anyone.
Funding the IRA is one of the one things anyone has mentioned here that I might give a pass.
Warren Buffet invented the buffet (I think) and I met my girlfriend at a buffet. She is a paramedic, I lost consciousness because I drank 4 litres of the truffle bechamel (I did the maths and this would have cost the restaurant slightly more money than the admission fee, hence hurting Warren Buffet's bottom line)
He also helped building the peace palace in the Hague, unfortunately the United States have since declared that they don't respect the jurisdiction of the International court over American citizens, therefore seriously diminishing it's credibility..
What, do you think they just sit around smoking cigars and laughing evilly all day? Its not that they dont do anything good, their evik acts just offset it.
Whats with Bill Gates?
No he is alright of cours , he spends Milllons on Media to obscure why he keeps the patents .....
if you dont think Bill ates is good and awsome , those millions would have been wasted , so please inthe name of the most influencal Patent holder for third World Country illnesses ...
he is good , No really! Have you read the papers he pays...
The question was about whether a billionaire had done anything good.
Paywall, login popup shite. I hate websites like this.
That article is much ado about nothing. He knew Epstein and met him occasionally. So did every other billionaire and politician. Unlike some other of Epstein's associates, there's nothing to suggest Gates indulged or was even aware of Epstein's excesses.
the Titan that shipwrecked on the way to the Titanic shipwreck was pretty neat.
Still waiting for bezos to launch himself into the sun tho
Nah, his rockets aren't good enough to do that. He's going to get stuck in orbit and asphyxiate, and we can all watch his rocket burn up on re-entry and point and laugh.
I dont know her name
Jeff bezos ex wife, who has donated a lot of money to charity
who has donated a lot of money to charity
where did they get that money in the first place? the dollar mines? the grand tree of bills? if the only way to get money is to work for it and dollars don't magically fall from the sky, which I think is a reasonable theory, then it's necessarily true that they stole it from us. not even being glib, that individual person didn't do the labor to get that much money - it's literally impossible, it would take millions of years of work to get billions of dollars at any reasonable wage - they had to take the surplus value of the labor of other people to obtain it.
it's akin to a thief stealing the money of a group of people and then giving a fifth of it back and demanding we bask in the light of their charity
Well, not to diss on giving to charity but two technical arguments against. One is, you are acting as an additional tax on the worker (the source of the surplus) and then redirecting that tax to charity. It's fine but the elected government has democratically selected priorities that they can rarely fund so it is better to just give it to the treasury. And 2, just don't collect this tax in the first place, allowing the worker to spend it on the local economy.
Chuck Feeney. He gave away everything to charities.
Edit: it was around 8bn.
Yeah I still find it hard to digest that someone with a conscience actually made that much money in the first place. I'd love to see how he arrived at this decision, and if he could convince others too.
I would imagine all the billionaires have done something good at least once.
And a hundred bad things because .
That wasn't the question.
I have billions of Zimbabwe dollars and I picked up litter for 2 hours a few weeks ago. So there's at least one!
Elon Must did pretty much destroy Twitter?
Hitler was a billionaire and in the end he did kill Hitler.
I believe all billionaires have done something good. I don't think that makes them good people due to the staggering amount of wealth they withhold from the population.
Doing good things, doesn't make you a good person. Donating millions is nothing when you have billions.
If I had to choose a specific, I'd say Bill Gates. I've never fact checked it but I've heard he set up multiple charities and donates for helping children, seems like a great thing to do.
For all his shortcomings, Forrest Gump put a lot of the money he made from his Apple stocks back into his community.
This query is counterproductively reductive. Every human alive, even the worst of them, has done at least one good thing. Many even do their bad things because they were misled to believe they were doing an overall good.
The point should be that it doesn't matter what good they've done, because the state of being a billionaire necessarily requires one to have done more net bad to the world than good. You could save a million lives by your own hand, but if you're a billionaire, it is a given that you have destroyed far more lives than that. No billionaire's heart was ever weighed by Anubis and judged worthy of the Field of Reeds.
All of them, without exception, end up as greasy streaks on the gleaming teeth of Ammit.
Gabe Newell is the least shitty billionaire I can think of, I'm not sure what he does for philanthropy though but at least it doesn't seem like he tries to influence the country for his benefit.
Oh wow I've never really considered Gabe's wealth, he would be exceedingly wealthy, wouldn't he?
Google said he's worth just shy of 4 billion.
I love Valve, but I really don't understand why gamers give Steam so much praise. It is a closed platform filled with DRM on which you don't truely own a copy of the game (unlike gog), and on top of that they take a 30% cut of every sales and transactions which is enormous for small studios to pay. Support is poor and the algo/front page distribution of traffic and promotions is a black box.
Don't get me wrong, Gabe seems like a sensible human, and Steam is successful because it offered such a great service to players. But it's been almost 20years now since Steam, and I have not seen Valve slow down the greed. They don't need the money as this point. They don't need 30% of every game sale on PC. This is just as greedy as the other company people hate.
Bill gates and Warren Buffet have both argued for higher taxes on the wealthy and have donated millions to solve social problems.
Have they donated to progressive politicians or made their donations to democrats contingent on changing tax policy? Words are wind.
Brian Acton is the only billionaire I can think of that hasn't been a net negative.
Co-founded WhatsApp, which became popular with few employees. Sold the service at a reasonable rate.
Sold the business for a stupid large sum of money, and generously compensated employees as part of the buyout.
Left the buying company, Facebook, rather than do actions he considered unethical, at great personal expense ($800M).
Proceeded to cofound signal, which is an open, and privacy focused messaging system which he has basically bankrolled while it finds financial stability.
He also has been steadily giving away most of his money to charitable causes.
Billionaires are bad because they get that way by exploiting some combination of workers, customers or society.
In the extremely unlikely circumstance where a handful of people make something fairly priced that nearly everybody wants, and then uses the wealth for good, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with being that person.
Selling messaging to a few billion people for $1 a lifetime is a way to do that.
Makes sense that suddenly becoming billionaire with every intention to not remain one by turning into a force of good is arguably one way to be a decent human. In other words, the only good billionaires are those not trying to be, or remain billionaires.
There is also a point where you have to be smart and patient with how you distribute your money, or else you simply risk some other greedy asshole to pocket it.
Hell, I'll take someone who wants to be a billionaire, as long as they do it without exploitation. It's just that that's nearly impossible to do, since very few people actually individually create a billion dollars worth of value.
ITT: people who can't understand the difference between doing something good and being good.
Of course there are plenty of billionaires who have done good things, and pointing out all the ways they are still a shit person doesn't change that. Shitty people occasionally do good things, even if for shitty reasons.
Not a modern "billionaire", but you can make an argument that Andrew Carnegie spent a lot of his fortune on things that weren't awful.
Carnegie is probably the "best" billionaire in modern history. You can't go to a town in America without seeing some park or public building that was built with his money. I wish more 1% actually followed the Gospel of Wealth.
Not just America - my home town in New Zealand had a Carnegie library. I live in Scotland now, where his birthplace is a museum. His money is still funding various trusts in the UK.
Some posts mention people giving away billions in their later life. That sounds great.
However, you need to ask yourself how much of their obscene wealth was created by screwing someone else over? Essentially nobody can get so rich without taking money out of the pockets of other people. You can't just generate money out of thin air.
is this a psyop? surely its a psyop
youd probably have a hard time naming one billionaire that hasnt done anything good
theyre still a shit thing to have, practically never got the money they have by being a good person and shouldnt exist in the same world as homeless people, starvation or massively underfunded public projects
You haven't looked beyond the surface of Gates philanthropy. His involvement diverts focus away from critically acclaimedneeded work in these regions for his pet projects - the science doesn't dictate the focus, the whims of the billionaires do.
Philanthropy is just a tax break and PR move.
And a way of manipulating world politics.
What? They're greedy humans who are doing things that have terrible consequences out of selfishness, not mustache twirling cartoon villains out to destroy the world for destruction's sake. I'm sure every single billionaire in the world has done something good at some point. That doesn't justify the kind of wealth disparity that makes their existence possible though.
How is what they said wrong lmao. They literally acknowledge that doing individual good things doesn't justify the wealth disparity. Every word of what they said is 100% accurate. The worst humans do individually good things sometimes and the title of the thread is NOT about the net good or bad the person did. I don't think you read the title of the thread. I think you're just dunk/upbear thirsty. I hate this element of hexbear sometimes.
David Koch died, which is a very good thing he did for humanity.
Bit of a gimme, though, isn't it?
Jeffrey Epstein, when he killed himself, probably.
Pretty sure he didn’t kill himself any more than Prince Andrew doesn’t sweat.
Tfw you're hanging out in a cell getting ready to testify against a bunch of super-powerful people, in a prison that's prevented every attempted suicide in decades, after having made repeated statements that you have absolutely no intention of killing yourself, and then suddenly both the guards leave to go take a nap, and at that exact time, you notice that the multiple cameras watching your cell all randomly glitch off at the same time, so at that moment you decide to kill yourself using a method that's indistinguishable from being murdered
To be fair, both guards were tired from doing a bunch fo online shopping suddenly for no obvious reason
Thus ensuring Trump's compromat would not get revealed. Suuuure he killed himself...
MacKenzie Scott, Bezos's ex. She's given more than $14 billion to charity.
Trick question.
The billionaires who do good don’t want their names attached to their deeds because that defeats the purpose. The point of altruism is you don’t want credit.
(Seriously there aren’t many, though, because if you’re hoarding money, you’re a horrible person.)
Jack Dorsey bought me lunch once.
Do you mean net good (more good than bad) or is a good thing like "established public libraries" acceptable even if he also oppressed workers and stifled unions and bought government officials and stuff?
How many libraries is enough libraries to offset it though? That's the question. 5 libraries? Probably not. 10000 libraries? ...🤷
10 billion libraries? Now you're oppressing people in a whole new way. That's more than one library per person. Surely not scalable.
Well that's why I asked OP if this is "net" calculation (good - bad) or if just the good counts.
By my evaluation I don't think any billionaire (or equivalent using PPP calculations) has ever or could ever do enough "good" to overwrite the "bad" they have to do to accumulate that much wealth, unless they literally spend it all on improving people's lives including getting down in the trenches themselves.