What is the most severe case of brainwashing you have seen?
What is the most severe case of brainwashing you have seen?
...whether it was by a cult, by propaganda, by an algorithm, etc...
And did the person ever recover from it?
What is the most severe case of brainwashing you have seen?
...whether it was by a cult, by propaganda, by an algorithm, etc...
And did the person ever recover from it?
"Well, that's just how it is"
Person attempting to justify an injustice they also suffer, without even a thought about whether it being "how it is" might actually be connected to all the people saying dumb stuff like "Well, that's just how it is."
I learned recently that there's a word for this, which is "thought-terminating cliche"
Uggghhh, nothing is more infuriating than hearing "life's not fair" from people in a position to make a situation more fair.
I just respond "if that wasn't how it is there'd be nothing to talk about."
Person who I used to consider a friend was relentlessly posting anti-vax and anti-lock down stuff constantly. I would continually refute what he posted, with references and data etc but he wouldn't listen.
Highlight was when he posted pictures of an anti lock down protest in "Lisbon" and I went to the lengths of finding the pictures that had been stolen and they were of a dance music festival he attended.
Even though I cross referenced his own photos with those that had been posted, including one that showed him next to someone who was in on of the pictures from the supposed protest, he still wouldn't listen to reason.
He is no longer a friend or even an aquaintence.
I'm so sorry.
Jehovah's Witnesses, who rejoice in the deaths of children. The whole thing is utterly bizarre.
Worked with one a while back. She was trying to get out. Her whole family abandoned her. She finally went back and agreed to the arranged marriage temple leadership was demanding. Was immediately pregnant after the wedding. Forced to quit her job to be a stay at home mom.
Firmly believe such behavior should be in our modern concept of slavery.
This shit should be documented for court and the temple leadership can lead the jailhouse from inside from then on.
Well my mother said that she would forgive me for rejecting her religion (JWs) if I came back to the church. I was 18. I threw that letter out and haven't heard from her in the 27ish years since.
Pro tip kids: conditional love is not love - it's control.
You are very wise. Thanks for the tip.
Happened recently actually.
TW: Talks of SA, Maga
I sincerely don't understand how someone can be that fucking deluded, and not see a problem with it.
Does dehumanizing them help?
Edit: From the downvotes it seems that most people here think "yes!"
I don't think so, because dehumanization is kind of their whole mantra, and I'd rather not stoop so low.
They're people, just not very bright people.
They don't care. They are so deep in their cult, nothing can pull them out. If tomorrow, Trump came out, completely lucid, and admitted everything was a hoax, his supporters would just shift to another cult leader.
Also, at one point, they referred to themselves as Centipedes. They probably got tricked into it, but they still did it proudly. Calling them Magats isn't much different.
Can you tell me how to say that differently? If people from America are Americans, people who believe in Catholicism are Catholics, people who believe in MAGA are what exactly? It isn't Republican, because they are a subgroup, like Jacobites. It isn't to dehumanize them, it is just what they would be called from what I would expect.
Maggots has a different spelling, which is what i know you are referring to, but maybe they should have choose a different name/slogan to go under
Covid. People are still pretending there's no pandemic in 2024.
I meaaan, there is no pandemic in 2024. We fucked the whole thing up and it's just a regular ol' endemic disease killing people every year that could have been prevented. Weeeeee!
Came here to say this. Well I would've said Trump, but same idea.
Less people using public libraries (and reading books to learn stuff) around me because 'who needs to read books when there is everything on the Internet and I can Google anything'?
And, at least as saddening and frightening to me, seeing more and more people willing to censor whatever book, author, or idea, they hate or even they just don't agree with (most often, without even reading it). It's even worse when I see librarians supporting that — it doesn't matter how 'good' their motivation is, censorship's only success is in the promotion of stupid ideas (if not of sheer ignorance), hate and fear.
On a related note, I think libraries do need a bit of a facelift, and not just be "the place where books live". It's important to keep that function, but also expand to "a place where learning happens". I know lots of libraries are doing this sort of thing, but your average person is probably still stuck in the "place where books live" mindset, as you allude. I'm talking stuff like 3D printers, makerspaces, diybio, classes about detecting internet bullshit, etc.
I went to a library the other day to do some work on my laptop. I had A2 prints I was transcribing notes for.
pro tip for anyone who wants to read books but doesn't have access to a library
https://annas-archive.org is the largest library on the internet, 100% free
Koodo Reader is a eBook reader for PC
Librera is another eBook reader but for Android
everything linked is completely FOSS
How is it not going to a library because of brainwashing? Who is doing the washing?
To be fair, you can find nearly any book for free online.
My brother got fucked up psychologically from murdering Iraqis and Afghans and then came home and started "self-medicating" with meth while spending all day sitting in his house alone while listening to far-right propaganda like OAN. He tried to check himself in for treatment at the VA but they committed malpractice which nearly killed him, and he responded violently, which put a flag on his record making it difficult for him to get help in the future, while at the same time giving him a deep distrust of doctors. He was incredibly paranoid and accused everyone of being part of some sort of conspiracy against him and would make violent threats, veiled just enough to not be actionable. Eventually, he went over to someone's house with a gun, but the cops had been watching his house and they showed up, he pulled a gun on them and got shot in the arm, which he lost the use of, but he eventually recovered somewhat on account of getting off the meth while in jail. He's still a fascist and still listens to all the same shit, but he's at regular fascist levels of paranoid-schizophrenia now.
I don't give a shit about him but the pain he put my family through, a memory is burned into my mind of tears in my mother's eyes as she gets another text and it's another crisis and she can't enjoy even a single night out at dinner because she has to act like a 911 operator 24/7 - and whenever I think about any of the people responsible for the stupid, pointless wars that caused all this, Bush, Obama, Biden, Trump, and all the rest, I remember that we got off incredibly easy, that our suffering was absolutely nothing compared to the actual victims of our country's wanton slaughter and pointless wars of aggression, and I multiply the pain I felt in that moment and the trauma throughout the whole experience by a thousand, a hundred thousand, by as much as my mind is even capable of comprehending which is still only a tiny fraction of the reality, and I focus it into pure hatred directed towards all the people responsible for the wars.
In all fairness I went there to see what the issue is, the top post was about ants and most things that popped up were good memes. Which communities are you referring to? I'm guessing not c/earth or something..
Threads like this, with highly upvoted comments like
americans are more propagandized than they think citizens of the DPRK are
They also use sarcasm try to push the narrative that North Korea is actually just fine, OK?
Guys you don't understand; the West has spoken; we MUST hate North Korea, our governments have already decreed it so.
Many of them are also seemingly physically incapable of communicating without hexbear's custom reaction images, which is a weird behavior common to many cults. Makes it harder to communicate with the outgroup.
I think LW is defederated from them (or vice versa) so you can't post over there, but for further examples, try making an account over there and saying that maybe, just maybe, Putin did a bad thing by invading Ukraine, and they're defending an imperialist.
There are six companies that control a very large percentage of the media consumed by Americans. They are all mega corporations. The media Americans consume is mostly corporate propaganda, and it's invisible to us. It's the water we swim in.
Whatever opinions the oligarchs want us to have are dictated to us.
It is not a coincidence that all our national political races come down to a wire, that we are divided almost 50/50. We are being intentionally divided so that we don't unite and challenge the oligarchy.
John Stewart did a great bit where station after station reads the exact same script over and over again. It's unsettling.
The Goebbels speech for total war:
That shit is so scary. Those people were ready to exterminate others out of pure hate and brain washing. It made me think about how the more extreme MAGA people today refer to liberals/Democrats. It's like they're heading down the same path. It's insane that that many people can fall into that type of mentality with the freedom of information we have today. They've been trained to only believe a certain narrative, but instinctively disbelieve and see as enemy anything that goes against it. Freedom of thought is not an option for them. Crazy af.
COVID, MAGA, Q Anon, support by poor people for defunding of schools and infrastructure even as bridges collapse and water systems are becoming poisonous while supporting building new tactical nuclear weapons that the country doesn't even have a use for unless the intend to start nuking Mexico which would mean more refugees, not fewer....etc.
My ex got radicalized on Stormfront and accused me of "muddying his bloodline".
And yes he did eventually realize that some of that was bullshit, he is not like he was before he got propagandized but not as bad as he was in the thick of it.
That was super dangerous for you, I'm glad you are ok.
So dehumanizing.
Can you explain what Stormfront is? I don't want to get put on a watch list 😅
White power nonsense. He ended up speaking a whole language I didn't understand. Was absolutely convinced he had some deep understanding of reality that I did not. I think he still holds on to some of it but quitting alcohol helped and getting a job helped, he sort of had to hit bottom to bounce back.
The COVID denial was strong in so many people. I remember some stories where people would go to the hospital with extremely low oxygen saturation, be told that they have COVID, and for them to go into a blind panic about getting microchipped or tortured by experimental government treatment, and immediately discharge themselves - only to drop dead pretty much immediately after they left.
Dafuq is wrong with these people?
Well, they're dead, so not much else outside of that.
It goes to show just how effective the brainwashing is, though. So many people were afraid of what is essentially science fiction. If we could inject nanobots into someone to control their mind and body, holy shit we've made one of the craziest scientific breakthroughs in a century! They were so afraid they ignored the fact that they were incredibly ill and tried to leave on the assumption that they had been attacked.
I met a guy who believes the government wants to turn the country communist, ban meat, and make everyone eat insects. He seemed to have fallen for every Facebook boomer conspiracy theory, but these were the highlights. He just talked and the conspiracy theories kept coming out. He couldn't think of much to say that didn't tie into a bizarre narrative.
Not anyone I know, or even the most brainwashed, but I did watch this video last night on YouTube that was pretty disturbing and although the events are now 15 years ago they ended not long ago and the court case only ended last year.
Guy who is extremely good at manipulating people ends up manipulating like 6 or more of his daughters college friends into somehow dropping out and living with him and forced to do all the requests he has.
Guy who is extremely good at manipulating people ends up manipulating like 6 or more ... to do all the requests he has.
That reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strip_search_phone_call_scam, which is so fucked up on so many levels.
I've met a couple Mormons that were reaaaally deep into the shit and talked and acted like robots just parroting all the religious nonsense they'd been fed. But to be fair, I've also met some cool Mormons who were less into it and generally just good people.
People who build their entire identity around X.
X = Ammosexuals, MAGA, Muskrats, Gamers™, Christo-Facists, Corporate Bootlickers, etc.
I see a lot of westerners always decrying Christo-Fascists and I always wonder whether they can hold a candle to the Muslim-extremists I know
What is Muskrats?
Elon musk fanboys I guess
My step brother got turned into a redhatter. Trying to stick magnets on my arm where I got the covid shot, the crazy pizza shop basement q thing, it's so bad it's like he has an earpiece in his ear being told what to say by rightwing media
Ginni Thomas.
I've seen people who would act like the sky isn't blue if they had so much as a friend say it wasn't. Sadly the same friends who would go on to successfully erase people's innocence out of existence via gossip, in contexts that rank up there with asking for someone's ID at a bar out of skepticism and then getting the ID and saying "I don't care about your ID, you're still not in the required demographic". And these channelers of peer pressure who outweigh the issue of cults wonder why I am deep into misanthropy.
I'm not allowed to say.
What in the actual fuck are you on about?
They genuinely believe some random guy is god incarnate so they tormented him his entire life to try and get him to kill himself,
Nothing in wicca allows any of that, so far as I'm aware.
That's SO far off base with what I understand of the basic tenets of wicca that it'd be like an humanist atheist vegan suddenly signing on to work as a halal butcher and then deciding animals aren't enough, it's time to butcher people instead.
Yeah, while there are dozens or possibly hundreds of flavors of "wicca". The first tenent is almost always some variation on "do no harm". Normally phrased something like "as it harms none, do as thou will"... Which is odd phrasing for something written in the last century.
The main exception is those who follow Crowley. His whole deal was "do what thou will shall be the whole of the law".
Crowley was mostly in it for the shock value.
And again, Crowley's "ancient wisdom" is newer than the invention of photography. We even have recordings of him speaking.
I'm somewhat critical of wicca and I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about.
US Democratic voters unwilling to recognize systemic faults, perceive how they apply to their chosen politicians, or reason their way to incremental action beyond voting and virtue signaling. They're the third of the country that watches while one third kills another third.
US Conservative voters unwilling to recognize systemic faults, perceive how they apply to their chosen politicians, or reason their way to incremental action beyond voting and virtue signaling. They're the third of the country that kills one third while another another third watches