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  • I use smartTube ony my TV (with sponsorblock integrated), LibreTube and newPipe on my phone (no ads, and download included), and YouTube + adguard, sponsorblock, unhook, dislike button extensions on my Desktoo. With all that effort, i do not need paying for Youtube premium.

  • The annual subscription, which was introduced in January of 2022, goes to $139.99 in a $20 increase.

    I literally renewed just two days ago, right under the wire!

  • Definitely wasn't worth it before and now they want to increase prices? Yikes. Guess I'll keep using revanced forever then

  • I use it too rarely to justify paying monthly. Now I thought about it, if it were only like 4,99. That's still 60 bucks a year, which is a lot for all the in-video ads you see anyways. But triple that, hell nah.

  • "YouTube Vanced" on my phone (Pixel 7 Pro) and then use "Smart Tube Next" on my Sony Bravia Android TV, I'd happily pay for just Ad-free YouTube but I refuse to pay for YouTube music bundled into it.