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  • I mean... a Mac machine will run non-Mac OSX software.

    Ah yes, the worst of both worlds! Wonderful!

    I recall at various points in time, comparing equivalently-equipped machines, Apple ones were pound-for-pound actually cheaper than their Windows equivalents.

    I don't ever recall that...

    • I was only illustrating how Mac hardware is not identically the same as Mac software. They are tied together, yet distinct entities.

      Your lack of recollection neither proves nor disproves anything at all. If you doubt me, look it up? (since surely if I did so for you, you would distrust that as well? 🤪)

      I did not downvote you btw.

      • They are tied together, yet distinct entities.

        Yes and no. You can run other software on Mac hardware, but not the other way around.

        Your lack of recollection neither proves nor disproves anything at all.

        I could say the same about your statement.

        If you doubt me, look it up?

        So...I should look up pricing of comparable hardware across the entirety of Apple history because you made a statement you can't back up?

        • I never said I couldn't back it up. I only said that if you wanted to know the answer, you could look. But ofc do whatever you please.

          Or I suppose you could try to goad me yet again into doing your homework for you, and see if that works? (Surely this time, if you keep trying the same action, surely this time things will work out differently than the other time(s)?😜)

          Or you could just think about how likely it is that in the entire history of computing, what are the chances that it was true at least once? Not that it matters, bc I've agreed with you so many times that hardware!=software and that for Macs they are tied together, and Macs are expensive, that I think we've both already forgotten already whatever it was we were talking about. Take the "win" already?

          • I never said I couldn't back it up.

            Actions speak louder than words. Or in this case, inaction.

            Or I suppose you could try to goad me yet again into doing your homework for you

            Your homework, not mine.

            • Thank you for confirming that you think of me as your bitch. This after all is why I left Reddit - to come here to do exactly the same.

              • Thank you for confirming that you think of me as your bitch

                So, just to be clear, "I think you're my bitch" for expecting you to back up your statements? This is the logic you're going with?

                This after all is why I left Reddit - to come here to do exactly the same.

                If everywhere you go smells like shit, maybe its time to check your shoes?

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