To counter social-media conspiracy theories, we need more honest information about contraception and its side-effects, says writer Kate Muir
Why are women turning to TikTok for advice about the pill? Because doctors won’t listen to us::To counter social-media conspiracy theories, we need more honest information about contraception and its side-effects, says writer Kate Muir
If I were to hazard a guess… long queues at the GP, not knowing if a lady doctor would be the one they see, or if she will judge them for their life choices…
From what I've heard, female doctors are mostly just as bad as male doctors. It's a fundamental issue with medical care education and practice that will need a lot of effort and cooperation to address.
This presumes that the doctor's gender identity affects their knowledge of how a hormone affects the body from a scientific perspective? If you just want opinions from people that have a similar perspective, social media is probably right up that alley. If you want a critical review of scientific data and stories about how patients they have treated have faired, why is gender identity relevant?