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xi jinping confronts trudeau over leaking their private conversation to the press, then pulls a "cease your liberal bullshit" when trudeau tries to defend his snake-like actions


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  • An important piece of context here is that Xi usually only meets heads of state. Trudeau is not the head of state of Canada, the monarch is.

    They bent the rules to have Xi meet with him and they fucked around and leaked it all. Say whatever you want about the queen when she was still alive she wouldn't have leaked the contents of a meeting. Heads of state speaking to heads of state has to exist on a level of trust and this dude is such a fucking rat without respect that he couldn't do the bare minimum.

    • yep, and trudeau's body language is like a little kid who knows he did some shit he isn't supposed to do but knows his mom (america) will protect him. "my mom said i'm allowed to call you the f-word so i wont get in trouble"

    • From a purely technical perspective you're right. But in reality the british crown does not negotiate for Canada. Canada is essentially sovereign but maintains some more or less ceremonial ties to the british crown.

      • It's not ceremonial. The Crown legally owns 89% of Canadian land. She (her representative) holds the power to appoint government and to dissolve it entirely. The Governor General is appointed by the monarch and also has the power to add up to 8 additional senators of their choice.

        More importantly, they can dismiss any sitting leader they want to. This power was the one used in Australia when Whitlam was removed, which is colloquially referred to here on Hexbear as the time Australia was couped by the CIA.

        These things are played down and scoffed about as "ceremonial" because they are rarely used powers. But they ARE powers, very very strong ones.

        • Alright well the fact remains that the british crown doesn't negotiate trade deals or anything else on behalf of Canada, the Canadian government does all of that itself. This objection to Trudeau meeting Xi because he's not the "real leader" is just pedantry. Yes the british crown maybe might be able to pull some power move but that's not how things operate routinely.

      • Fake country

    • An important piece of context here is that Xi usually only meets heads of state.

      I don't think this is true, XJP regularly meets with heads of government. Plus the governor general for Canada is basically the pseudo head of state (and does do all the state visits and so forth that you'd expect).

      An interesting tangent is that most Commonwealth countries have murky definitions of their head of state and in many cases not clear whether the governor general or monarch is the actual head of state. This gets extra silly for somewhere like Australia, where the federal representative of the monarch is the governor general, but this position does not represent the monarch for Australian states - who each have their own connection to the monarchy and their own representative.

      The Queen would definitely have leaked it, just in a way that it wasn't traced back to the Queen so the brits can keep pretending that their monarchy isn't deeply involved in politics.

      Anyway Trudeau is a piece of shit and another L is unsurprising

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