Can we please
Can we please
edit: now it's a meme and we can all hug in the comments.
Can we please
edit: now it's a meme and we can all hug in the comments.
Somebody should make a movie around this message of jaded adults refinding their humanity in an absurd, hyperconsumerist world through the rejection of cynicism and embracing of liking things again, but cleverly disguise it as a movie made to sell plastic dolls to little girls to play on the concept of hyperconsumerism.
I think this hypothetical movie will be a smashing success in the box office. And probably win the lead actress an Oscar this year.
Totally irrelevant to your comment, keep up the strike and hold the line! Assuming you're the real Margot Robbie and have a prolific platform. I know it's not fair, especially to the less recognizable members but a lot of other people who are thinking about unionizing are watching the WGA and SAG strikes to see if labour can still win. It's not just you guys, we're all with you. Even if they're too stupid to realize this strike is more important than a new season of NCIS. Labour winning this strike proves that labour isn't out of the fight and capital hasn't completely won. Stay strong! Hold the line!
Thank you.
I'd like to think even as a jaded adult this isn't just an impersonation.
And I assume the Ken dance off scene is an allegory to the obliteration of the ego resulting in self reflection?
Ok if you had the opportunity to make Ryan Gosling do a dumb song and dance number you would have done the same thing.
It's funny for actors to play against type because it's unexpected. Like Leslie Nielsen in "Airplane!", for example.
I absolutely agree, I think you ahem that lead actress should win an Oscar.
But I think it's important that we don't let enjoying things become synonymous with liking (mindless purchasing) the corporate products that are being sold to us at a breakneck pace.
What ways do we have to still create our own ways to have fun? How can we make our own "weird barbies"?
The difference is that you should enjoy things not because nothing matters in this world (that would be hedonism.), but because the world matters to you, and you will fight to make it better.
There comes a point in everybody's life where they are faced with their own mortality and finally figure out what they are meant to do. None of us will be here forever, so, I think we should use our short time on this Earth to fight for a world where everyone is free to find their way in life, and be themselves again.
Kinda vague, but everyone is different, so, everyone will have to figure it out on their own.
Not funny.
Not a meme.
Can we, without relentlessly criticizing, let people have their un-funny, non-memes and screenshots and whatever little harmless things in which they've managed to find a tiny shriveled flower of joy?
What are the essential criteria of a meme in your view?
Could we, without relentlessly criticizing, let people have... whatever little harmless things in which they've managed to find a tiny shriveled flower of joy?
It's being spread through communication - It's a meme. Memes don't have to be funny.
Did you even SEE the avocado with a face? Meme.
/s if needed..
Reminds me of where I used to live, Reddit.
If I hear Christmas music before at least November, I will go nuclear
completely agree. people can have their decorations whenever and whatever else their heart desires, but i draw the line at christmas music
I don’t mind people putting up decorations early, it’s when stores swap out their seasonal stock early that triggers me
Last year local Home Depot started clearancing out Halloween decorations to make room for Christmas stuff in September.
Halloween is the only good holiday. It is the only one that maintains any connection to it's pre modern roots. It is about giving candy to children for free fuck capitlaism. It is about enjoying everything society says is wrong. It requires some creativity in ways most people don't get to experience the rest of the year. It invites experimentation and self expression.
Have you just never been to a club on halloween? Halloween is, by no stretch of the imagination, free from capitalist endeavors.
Those between 18 and 34 participate at the highest rate, and they end up spending the most on their costumes (capitalism).
You can like Halloween all you want, don't kid yourself into believing that it's somehow "pure"
Letting go of the part of you that judges other people is important. It hurts, because that is one of the few avenues of control we can experience in our lives alienated by capitlaism.
Letting your self be free of those childish emotions and learning to replace them with love for your fellows is the path towards true happiness however. That is one of those weird tricks the government doesn't want you to know. Except it is real and it works. The more negative you are about other people the more negativity you experience and the more treats you need to buy to survive. The heart of every true revolutionary is full of love.
I am judging the fuck out of nazis though and I will not stop
Tolerance for everything but the intolerant.
Yeah, you got me there that one is valid. After the revolution when all the hungry are fed and the cold are warm, then we can spend the time trying to help them grow and overcome whatever caused this. Until then however
Blown away by a message like this coming from a hexbearian.
Good message, just an odd source.
I don't criticize people for enjoying those things, I criticize the corporations for relentlessly monetizing those things, making them insufferable and sucking all the enjoyment out of them for money.
Let people not like things.
You're welcome to dislike something, but that doesn't mean you need to discourage someone else from liking that thing. You can share an opinion without making it sound like it's a sin against nature to disagree with that opinion.
But what about the shriveled flower of joy I get from shitting on their happiness
It is a lie. Reject false happiness. Enjoy the community of helping your fellow worker.
We already are....that's kinda the point.
I mean a lot of hexbear, and Lemmy in general, is like that. Just shitting on other people's happiness over the most trivial of things, bringing out 500 reasons why thing sucks. And it's done in a hypocritical manner too, if you were to apply their own logic to things they liked and criticise it, they'd get really angry or give you that fake "I don't care" attitude that everyone can see through. This happens with every discussion about "treats" on hexbear in particular.
I'll go set up the trolley. You wait for me by the track switcher.
Ill tie up some bystanders I guess..
The problem here is that all of these people have turned their consumer choices into their identities and thus they feel personally attacked whenever they hear criticism of the products they consume.
It's incredibly unhealthy and something everyone should work to weed out of their mindset if they want to grow as a person instead of being perpetually unhappy because others criticising things isn't going anywhere.
You had me until the too early decorations. The other things don't take away my joy. That does.
Also harm isn't why people care. Its the erosion of well defined seasons in order to push corporate products on us and in the end we get fucked up melding of events like remembrance day while people are preoccupied trying to get Christmas shopping in.
It turns what was once cultural events into corporate buy shit quarters. Because its easier for Walmart to sell Christmas stuff in October then wait until it's the season.
Its a loss and erosion of an important shared culture in favor of only corporate sponsored ones.
This is the reason. It's all just so commercial now and it never ends!
How does me putting an inflatable grim reaper in my yard in February take away your joy?
Nfi but this comment just brought me great joy. I’m grinning.
If just one person does it, it doesn't. But there are always more.
This is humanity, there will be no joy! ☝️
I'm sure there's a dark side to d&d but I can't think of it right now.
It’s satan.
Source: I grew up in the 80s.
Cinnamon is carcinogenic???? You know what, I don't care. I love cinnamon, and this propaganda won't change my mind. I'm going to plug my ears and go "lalalalalala"
You forgot the sugar levels of pumpkin spice, which make Mountain Dew look like a health drink.
So i can enjoy one guilt free?
Pocket sand, you've been upgraded to pocket cinnamon
If I can't criticize every insignificant difference in lifestyle that I have with a stranger that I probably won't ever talk to again in my life. How else will I stroke my ego and fulfill my basic need of feeling superior to others?
The Way
Normal people may take up a sport to have fun. Me? I will sit next to you at the houseparty and complain about how sports is draining the brainpower of countless clever people who could be solving real problems, like optimising the fun and variety out of the latest D&D ruleset
Halloween is my favorite time of the year!
My first thought was "It's never too early for Halloween". I can understand hating early Christmas decorations, because Christmas is an all-out capitalist fuckfest with irritating jingles. But who hates Halloween?
Honestly it's probably in part BECAUSE OF the damn early Christmas decorations that Halloween stuff has been expanding earlier into the fall/summer. Because by mid October you have to wade through a sea of holly jolly bullshit to get to it. Anyone with an issue with the early Halloween stuff, go take it up with Christmas for trying to annex October and not staying on their fucking side of the 31st.
All 3 months of it
If you are seriously annoyed by any of these things, then it should be a reminder of how unburdened and care free your life is that such a thing actually bugs you, and spark a sense of pride and contentment instead.
I found my tiny shriveled flower of joy in being a hater. Today's target: people who upvoted this garbage. The fuck is wrong with you? It's not a meme and it's not funny, it doesn't belong on this community, and it's so sanctimonious it gave me diarrhea.
Tomorrow's target: people who push all their furniture up against the wall
Thursday's target: Scots
Upvoted Taddington. Hope ur ok hun
Isn't the whole gripe with Pumpkin Spiced whatever the same with Christmas decorations popping up in mid-October? Like, its not fucking special if you're putting nutmeg in my coffee in June.
Same with the D&D / Marvel / Roblox / Whatever fandom of choice. It was fine twenty years ago when it was the New Thing. Now we're pushing 100+ hours of Disneyfied extended universe content on Marvel alone. Half my "recommended" podcast feed is six C-list celebrities making the soy face in front of a pair of crossed battle axes. And my street is lined with shitty faux-bakery corporate cafeterias trying to sell a piece of rye bread covered in guacamole for $15/slice.
Who actually enjoys this shit anymore? It feels like I'm being sealed into Disneyland, like a Pharaoh buried alive in his pyramid. It stopped being fun ages ago. Now I'm torn between boredom and horror.
You missed the entire point. If you're bored with it all, that's valid. If you don't like psls too early, that's valid. But let other people enjoy things. If they get enjoyment out of these products, does that really negatively affect you?
let other people enjoy things
What if they aren't enjoying it?
What if they're just getting caught up in the oppressive frenzy of hype culture, getting bombarded with ad-induced anxiety, or simply trying to fit in with whatever they're told is "normal"? What if the emperor has no clothes but we're all told its rude to point?
Am I allowed to make fun of Morbius? Or is that
under the Let People Enjoy Things rubric?If they get enjoyment out of these products, does that really negatively affect you?
If its getting injected into every webpage, spamming up my email, blaring across the radio, on billboards along every mile of road, and natively included in every other media venue I visit?
let other people enjoy things
I don't think anybody's being pressured into drinking pumpkin spice lattes or eating avocado toast lmao. D&D is a fun and good creative, sociable activity and more people getting into it is good, actually.
Any popular thing is going to have hype around it, that doesn't mean that it's inherently bad. You're free to dislike popular stuff but saying it's bad just because it's popular is a bad take.
This is the way.
Until I go to build my D&D table.
All it costs you is a couple of friends every time you start a new campaign
I miss dnd and mtg. Even the kids down here dunno either.
Pumpkin spice lattes?
Costco has Christmas decorations up already actually
Halloween decorations now are fine, it's the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations infringing on Halloween that are the problem.
It's ridiculous that Christmas decorations and shopping starts popping up in stores 4 months early in September (late August in some cases). No other holiday is like that. It's like seeing Valentine's Day stuff out in November or Halloween out in July. Personally, I feel oversaturated and sick of Christmas by the time it actually arrives.
I guess I'll be giving away candy canes at Halloween. Maybe also some of those old fashioned ribbon candies that taste like mothballs... That's kind of in the spirit of Halloween isn't it?
DG too.
Guy across the street spent the weekend putting up Halloween decorations with his daughter. We can this guy "Heavy metal dad" because year round he displays pentagram flags, and wears heavy metal band shirts with the sleeves cut off all year. It's great.
“Let people enjoy things”
Is nobody going to talk about the avocado man in the right-hand corner
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are good and also the official drink of (the other ones are good too).
Hexbears in this thread having a knee-jerk contrarian reaction to the "let people enjoy things" sentiment even though nobody actually has a problem with any of these things lmao.
i mean that's literally it. None of this shit is genuinely controversial, it's just the ambient neurosis of the internet that someone out there wants you crucified for your banal identity-forming habits.
How dare anyone ask me to stop criticising a thing I have no problem with and no intention of criticizing! We stand in solidarity with all cynical killjoys across the world! Even if we don't hate something, we will defend to the death the right to hate it!
Only hate the really early Halloween decorations at the store when they take away summer things early. Sometimes I need a new pool float in late august...
But how else will I feel superior and generally much more intelligent than other people?
Who are these people who upvote posts but never comments, top comment right now has 21 score and the post has 212, thats such an abusrd ratio, is it just a hexbear thing that this is surprising to me?
I think it kind of is. Hexbear folks love to post and engage more directly with each other based on what I've seen while a lot of people (myself for included) clearly take a much more passive approach and just up vote and move on. My excuse is generally I usually only come on here when bored and have nothing else to fill my time with and I find commenting to be personally kind of exhausting now days.
no Christmas music allowed until mid December
Yes to everything except the advocados. I hate superfoods and what they do to the soil.
You don't eat avocado because it is healthy. You eat it because it is basically butter Its being promoted as being healthy, even super healthy.
All jokes aside advocados require a lot of farmland and water that is better spend on better crops.
Excellent. More of this sentiment please.
Also, it's important for everyone to feel comfortable expressing their dislike for things, so long as jumping on hateful-bandwagons isn't a source of social credit.
We should. Yes please.
Wishful thinking, unfortunately.
An eye for an eye ✊😠
Could we, without relentless attention-whoring, stop inventing problems that don't exist?
Who tf is out there getting flak for ANY of these things? These are all perfectly accepted
there was a whole thing a while back saying absolutely vile shit about women that like pumpkin spice lattes
Yeah we had a wrecker a while back go full mask-off over pumpkin spice lattes calling them "whore coffee" and making death threats over it. Granted that might just be that one wierdo but hating on PSLs and other "basic" stuff at least was a thing a while back.
People in various pockets of society? My sister would be one of them.
Wrong, it's delicious. The Hawaiians got it right.
Nah, some Canadian Greek guy invented Australia's most popular pizza, the hawaiian pizza
You have fallen for whatever marketing department propaganda this pineapple war is
Nope. It's awesome
I'd add hating on Hawaiian Pizza into this list.
My tiny shrivelled flower of joy comes from relentlessly criticizing.
I like Halloween and love seeing all the cool new decorations
I'm a big fan of the 12ft skeleton fad. Especially when they stay up and become Christmas decorations.
I'm gonna do the "hang a ghost from your drone and fly it up and down the street" trick on the kids this year.
Jack and Sally are particularly fond of October-December, but are almost always welcomed in my general whereabouts.
Does anyone actively enjoy early christmas decoration? Its not the people Im annoyed with, its the stores.
When they could be playing Pathfinder? I think not!
Can we compromise? I'll give you all of those things except the early holloween decorations
Right, Halloween decorations were meant to be year round
If I'm investing $400 in a giant skeleton, you bet your bum it's going to be a year round decoration with rotating, seasonal/holiday themes
Oohhhohoho you...
I’m good with that.
Sure. What about pineapple on pizza though? I mean you gotta draw the line somewhere.
Sure, as soon as you stop bombarding me with advertisements for these things to the point I retch at the very sight.
Fucking seriously my local Lowe's had the Halloween decorations on display before the end of August. Two whole entire months am I getting BLEAURGH'd at by an injection molded demon every time I walk in to buy some screws and a quart of stain. Of course the Christmas decorations are going to be out on November 1st. Remember when there were only 12 days of Christmas? Now there's something like 60.
Don't be so negative...Christmas decorations will be out before Halloween is over.
If the Halloween stuff bugs you, enter the store by the pro desk.
60? Your retailers are slacking.
No your a looser
Read up on the climate effects of eating avocado
Read up on deez nutz
Yee Avocado is expensive for a reason. Takes an absurd amount of water to grow.
Requiring a lot of water to grow something isn't inherently problematic. The issues only come in when wealthy landowners steal drinking water during drought conditions to grow things. When it comes down to brass tacks, the cartels are more of an issue with avocado production (and actually one of the bigger reasons they are expensive).
All that to say, it doesn't really matter in the end. If you enjoy your avocados and can afford them, have at it. We're all doomed to be crushed under the cloven hooves of our billionaire gods anyway.
Every time you eat an avocado, a baby seal dies.
Almonds too