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  • The problem here is that all of these people have turned their consumer choices into their identities and thus they feel personally attacked whenever they hear criticism of the products they consume.

    It's incredibly unhealthy and something everyone should work to weed out of their mindset if they want to grow as a person instead of being perpetually unhappy because others criticising things isn't going anywhere.

  • Serious.

    If you are seriously annoyed by any of these things, then it should be a reminder of how unburdened and care free your life is that such a thing actually bugs you, and spark a sense of pride and contentment instead.

  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes are good and also the official drink of (the other ones are good too).

    Hexbears in this thread having a knee-jerk contrarian reaction to the "let people enjoy things" sentiment even though nobody actually has a problem with any of these things lmao.

    • i mean that's literally it. None of this shit is genuinely controversial, it's just the ambient neurosis of the internet that someone out there wants you crucified for your banal identity-forming habits.

      • How dare anyone ask me to stop criticising a thing I have no problem with and no intention of criticizing! We stand in solidarity with all cynical killjoys across the world! Even if we don't hate something, we will defend to the death the right to hate it!

  • Sure. What about pineapple on pizza though? I mean you gotta draw the line somewhere.