Is this packet loss?
I can't tell if this is a shitpost or if this is an actual Ctrl Alt Del comic. It sometimes got weird like this.
Okay, I'm going to need this one explained to me.
I'm too high for this
Thanks for the jump scare warning, would've almost fell of my chair if it wasn't for that warning
I read the warning, prepared myself and still got a heart attack.
Is this supposed to be funny or something?
I don't know why but it made me chuckle
Made me chuckle too, there's certain slapstick to it.
Yes, and it is!
In fact, I'd go so far to say it's my favourite CAD comic of all time.
no it’s CAD
TCP 3.0
Is this gain?
new item dupe
GameFAQs > GameHaven.
Context ???
Anyone ???
It better not be shitting on Gamefaqs, that site is iconic