Fashion's final frontier.
Fashion's final frontier.
Fashion's final frontier.
From around March.
That's what Kirk didn't understand about the Gorn. They didn't want to kill him, they just wanted to know where they could find a set of 100% cotton inner and 100% polyester exterior designer shirtwear. They wanted to know where they could find clothing that provided "cotton where it counts"
Totally misunderstood the Gorn
Those white belts are killing me lol
With the flip-open buckles, I remember them!
Came here to say this! THE WHITE BELTS!
Bones is, as usual, thrilled to be there.
He’s a doctor, not a walking clothes horse.
Neil Breen has come a long way.
I mean that looks like an excellent shirt
Now do it with a skant
I'm afraid the highly fashionable skant would have to wait some decades to make its appearance in the fashion ads.