Average political literacy
Average political literacy
Average political literacy
Translation: "I like police (when they beat colored people) but will resist when they tell me to follow rules"
Pretty much. I usually assume folks aren't aware of their motivations. This is no exception.
Not that it is likely true - it just makes my existence a bit smoother.
Seems pretty consistent. The dude knows that cops are there to uphold white supremacy, he is white and therefore not in danger of being murdered by them. “Conservatism is the belief that laws are there to bind an outgroup but not protect, and protect an in group but not bind them” paraphrasing the quote.
Thank you for introducing me to Wilhoit’s Law:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
It is a really good quote that crystallized for me what conservatives were all about. It just didn’t make a fuck of a lot of sense to me beforehand. Why vote against your interests over and over again?
That, and I also now understand that there is something like 30 percent of the population that doesn’t believe in positive sum games. They think that with every transaction there must be a winner and a loser. Don’t quote me on that exact amount. But it is just a startling amount of people that have some very weird beliefs that lead to fascism.
The dude knows that cops are there to uphold white supremacy, he is white and therefore not in danger of being murdered by them
That may be this man's belief, but he's mistaken. Cops murder black/brown Americans at a disproportionate rate, but in absolute numbers, poor white folks catch the majority of State violence.
poor white folks
I guess he thinks he's good.
Oh. Did you not hear?
The whole point of white supremacy in the US is to prevent the white working class for talking to the black working class, and organize in their favor to gain any form of fairness or access to the value of their labor. Yeah poor white people LOVE white supremacy, even thought they know they are treated nearly as bad as black folks they know deep down, they at BETTER than them. Of course they'll fight against labor unions, universal healthcare, and social safety nets, it would make their lives FAR better, obviously, but then the black folks lives would be better too. And that's too far. So let them live on a stagnant wage for two generations, who cares, they are WHITE! They get to take credit for all white accomplishment! The white inventions! The white laws! The white everything! How wonderful! No need for improvements. Keep those low class burger flippers hungry!
Your skin doesn't have to be brown for the cops to decide they don't like you, but it helps.
Should have used this flag
Tread harder daddy, uwu
Ah, the Downbadsden Flag, a national cornerstone of the USA!
I always find people that think that pictures using skeletons makes them more badass really funny. It's like the little kid version of scary. OMG it's a hand but it's a SKELETON HAND! VERY BIGLY STRONG.
Zone out at “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses”
Turn it up to 11 at “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”
Fun fact: Rage against the Machine had been one of several music groups to require pharmaceutical compliance at their shows during the mysterious global event.
More aptly, they should be called "Rage Along With The Machine".
Gotta love conservative double-think. A guy who lives up the street from me has a big "come and take it" sticker on the back window of his truck flanked by two thin blue line Punisher skulls.
Like, my brother in Christ, do you not understand who they're going to be sending to "take it?" I swear these guys think Kamala is going to personally come to their house to demand they give up their guns.
I love two things: freedom ... and cops.
And German luxury automobiles…so three things
Just missing the punisher skull with Trump hair to complete the stupidity
That's a real thing, isn't it?...
Yeah it's absolutely absurd especially when combined with the thin blue line... Nothing like a vigilante to say "I respect the law and officers of the law."
Funny enough my immigrant coworker has this on his "new" truck, but only because he just bought it off some jerkwad that had it on there lol he didn't know what it was.
Pretty sure it’s on the other side.
I can appreciate when people put labels on their car indicating how hazardous they are and how far to stay away. Just the other day I saw a car with similar stickers, including a "We the People..." and one endorsing the Trump / RFK Jr. ticket.
Same, it's really helpful especially because I'm trans and those type of people can be anything from unpleasant to downright dangerous. I was actually assaulted by one of those right-wing assholes because a little girl bumped into me while I was walking, they then yelled "Groomer!" And ended up punching me really hard in the face and kicked me in the stomach, asshole literally broke my nose.
I usually just consider them stupid. Anyone I know is stupid is someone who can't be trusted. Not because they are inherently good or bad but because they can't tell the difference between the two.
The he/him she/her labels on social media profiles are also a pretty reliable timesaver.
So, you believe it's just better to stay away from people who differ in political opinion?
Funny, that exactly lets me know you're the type of person that I probably want to stay away from.
Judgemental, condescending, and such. Please let's not let stupid politics continue to divide us. It's bad right now.
There's an obvious difference between someone having a different political belief and a dangerous political belief. Being radical conservative is a dangerous political belief. Forgive me but I don't want to hang around people who call me slurs or physically threaten me for who I am, or just try to take away my access to live-saving medical care.
Fascism, bigotry, and authoritarianism is not an opinion, in the same way that arsenic isn't a flavor.
It could also be seen as very literate and they are very much giving the finger to the "thin blue line."
However, I feel like the "God bless America" sticker on the upper left says that isn't the case.
People just put those stickers on their car to get out of tickets.
Needs a Trump mugshot with "NO SURRENDER" under it too.
A car powered by a perpetual whiplash mechanism, like dropping a slice of toast buttered on both sides.
Enough with cold fusion, more research needs to be done on harnessing the power of hypocrisy. It's such an incredibly rich resource right now.
Gobbless brother