Family activities in the wood
Family activities in the wood

Family activities in the wood
I think everyone can stay calm. That ewok is the first image result if you google "ewok".
Yeah, both are definitely photoshopped. People sure do love to lie on the Internet for attention.
A nerd who had these costumes also would have either said "Wicket and Chewbacca" or "Ewok and Wookie". That's not just "an Ewok". That's the most well known Ewok.
I dunno. We all think he's a lil Chewie.
Well shit.
I was thinking that someone who went through the trouble of making such authentic costumes is probably known to the neighbors for them anyway.
And I think this is the source of the Chewbacca picture.
I mean ewok the same way, but are you sure he’s the same ewok?
In other news man and child shot in tragic hunting accident, police say “ they were stupid” more at 11:00
I mean, they somehow got the footage, so either they're super tight with said neighbour, or its their cameras.
For real! That's a way to get killed!
you dress your child up as... game... in America?
The alternative was sending him to school. He has better odds in the woods I think.
I think he meant, they took their human costumes off and took a walk.
I want to be your friend
Imagine getting your kid shoot for that
Question to americans:
In which situation you have the highest chance to get shot:
I could find 0 incidences of ewoks being shot in a forest outside of Return of the Jedi.
Rather than "all shootings" which is harder to find details of I'll go with death statistics for the shootings:
In 2020–21, there were a total of 41 school-associated violent deaths in the United States, which included 20 homicides and 17 suicides. Source
Traffic stop killings In 2021 it was 117, according to the Mapping Police Violence database.
According to this Police Shootings Database Hispanic and African Americans constitute 45.4% of all police killings.
Meaning that of the 117 in 2021 you'd expect ~53 of them to be "Slightly darker skinned"
So 24 school associated (ruling out suicides) vs 53 slightly darker skin means you're 2.2x as likely to be shot by a cop for being brown, or 4.875x as likely to be shot by a cop in a traffic stop overall.
Hope that helps.
Dressing as an ewok or dressing as a woke?
::Mountain Monsters music intensifies::
For anyone who's never seen the show, please do. It's fucking amazing. It's so bad it's good.