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Nothing happens when creating a new community

In the past two days I've been trying to create a community, but without success. I insert the name (with the allowed characters), the display name, and so on. But when I click on create a spinning wheel appears for a second or two, then goes back to create and nothing has happened. I created two communities previously (10 days ago or so) without problems.

I imagine it's just an effect of the current load for, but wanted to ask just in case.


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  • Why not just create the community on another instance?

    • This reaches the borders of my understanding of the fediverse :) You mean I could create it on for example? Would I need to create an account there? I'll explore, thank you for the suggestion.

        • Create an account on another instance (I suggest a smaller one, to spread the load)
        • Create a community using that account
        • Post or comment in that community with your main account
        • Use the newly created account to promote your main account to moderator in the community
        • Profit

        A little convoluted, but I guess moving things off the big instances is good for the fediverse as a whole, because single instances only scale so far performance-wise. Don't worry about discoverability. It'll take a couple days, but it'll work out fine. You can boost discoverability by searching for your community from bigger instances. That'll kick of federation / synchronisation.

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