Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
The website
Is there some way I can force Elon Musk to pay $47 to Cards Against Humanity PAC?
Funny you should ask! If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “” as your referrer, and they'll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America.
If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll sue him again.
The whole FAQ is pretty amazing. My favorites:
How do you know who didn’t vote?
We formed a Super PAC and bought the personal voting records of every American citizen from a data broker we found on the internet. It’s pretty fucked up.
The data you have on me is wrong! I didn’t vote in 2020 and it says I did, or it says I’m red-leaning when I’m definitely blue, or whatever. I demand you fix this.
Consider the teachings of Buddhism: “The seed of suffering in you may be strong, but don't wait until you have no more suffering before allowing yourself to be happy.”
Now, calm your mind and meditate on the knowledge that Cards Against Humanity does not have time for this shit
Bad news possibly: are the MAGA schemers gonna send people to the Cards Against Humanity site and then ask for a $50 donation to even things out?
Hilarious. Elon sucks.
Now that's how you build a proper mobile website!
I used to love your card games before you got all political.
Your mom used to love you before you got so fucking stupid.
LMFAO, I should steal that and use it against those transphobic turds on Xitter complaining about Godot
CAH never really drew me in. I got it was funny madlibs, but I just didn't care. Now that they got all political, I may get some for my shelf, they deserve it.
I didn't know lol was a valid ICANN Top Level Domain
You sound like an ICANT, with that thinking!
They can't find my info after I put in my last 3 addresses 😭
Then double check that you are registered to vote!!!
All I did was put in my current zip code (different than 2020’s), phone, first, and last name, and it pulled up my full name and age and current city and political leaning (very blue).
Wild that they can just buy this data.
I love how we've managed to come full circle. In the early 1900s buying votes was open and totally normalized.
Obviously it's fucked that Musk started this, and while it's pretty rad to see CAH surpass his dumb ass, this isn't going to be the end of it. This is just the genie getting loose.
There's a fun bit on the official website where they tell you how to get Musk to pay them $47.
For those curious.
cards should be working as dem strategists
I love how we’ve managed to come full circle. In the early 1900s buying votes was open and totally normalized.
Literally one of the reasons we switched to a secret ballot (it's less effective to buy votes if you can't know who they voted for) in the first place. The first places to switch started in the 1890s, and the last state to switch over did so in 1950.
This is some bullshit, I can’t even lend a hand
as a British pervert, I'm guessing you must be the Canadian?
American politics forces itself on me and I can't even vote in their elections, that's fucking bullshit. No spamming without representation!
I'm not Canadian, nor British. I demand an apology! And a proper insult to my nationality! 😄
Based on your .nl, I will assume you are tall, ride a bike everywhere, and love cheese. But I’m sure some yank will find something offensive to call you. Just be patient.
Same here! As we all would be victims if Trump get reelected, I'd like to support you and buy those cards!
If only I lived in a swing state. Then my vote could have meaning and I could get paid for it.
Must be great to live in one of the seven states that's allowed to decide our election thanks to the electoral college.
State and local elections still matter outside of the electoral college!
I'm aware. I already participate in those.
Doesn't change the fact that my vote regarding the highest office in the country is a pointless effort.
Yes, so you vote this year, get others to vote, and then spend the next 4 years working to overturn the electoral college and get ranked choice voting implemented. If you truly care, that's where you'll direct that passion.
Stay focused.
If you truly care, that’s where you’ll direct that passion.
Here's a question: are you doing all of that yourself?
It just sounds to me like you're attempting to say that people shouldn't care or shouldn't be frustrated if they're not willing to spend every waking minute of their lives working towards change. And yes, while change does take time and effort, asking average citizens to go above and beyond doing their civic duty of voting is a bit much.
This genuinely sounds like usual Republican rhetoric of "if you cared so much it wouldn't be this way."
I mean, you can vote and still get paid; I don't live in a swing state but I got a whopping $0.17 for my efforts! It's moreso about getting a voting plan together.
If only I lived in a swing state. Then my vote could have meaning
You presumably live in a state where you are firmly in the minority party? Otherwise you very definitely don't wish you were in a swing state.
To put it simply, swing states are just the biggest states that are purple enough that you can't safely predict what will happen. States like Texas or California going purple would immediately make them the most important swing state by far.
The GOP is terrified Texas might become a swing state. If through some strange alchemy California were to become a swing state it would be an existential threat to the Democrats.
Funny isn't it. 95% of Americans are effectively disenfranchised but nobody gives a fuck.
So this is probably a plan to call out Elon musk's stupid "pay to sign a petition" plan. Basically just buying votes. The more attention these schemes get, the more likely they will be made officially illegal.
Sort of a Satanic Temple maneuver. I like it.
Cards Against Humanity is exploiting a legal loophole to pay America’s blue-leaning non-voters to (1) apologize for not voting last time, (2) walk us through a step-by-step plan of how they’d vote this time, and (3) post “Donald Trump is a human toilet” on social media. This whole thing should probably be illegal—so quick, give us your money before they change the law!
Highly recommend giving the whole thing a read. It's pretty funny (and messed up)
Gosh I really like the phrase "Donald trump is a human toilet". I'm gonna use it
I hear that Donald Trump the human toilet likes to have golden showers from underage girls.
JD Vance told me so
Must've been in between his casting sessions.
I'm pretty sure they're using the money from Elmo using a plot of their land they bought to stall the border wall
It's just a shame we don't have an option this election for a president against a border wall...
They said they were sharing the Elmo money with those who originally helped them buy that plot.
Damn I could have made 147$ this election if I was in a swing state lmao
Great way for me to learn Ohio is considered a lost cause I guess? Not sure if i disagree (or care), for that matter; I want out.
Always has been.
Every trump election we’re assumed for him. I had hope in 16, but and maybe this year, but I think it’ll take issue 1 to drive us there
Now that you mention it, anyone still using Twitter could just go right now and tweet Donald Trump is a human toilet for free. And they could right now. Go do it.
Up to their sole discretion they decide to give you between $0.01-$100, via paypal only if you allow them to collect your info and pass that info to "necessary parties".
This is well and fine for anyone who doesnt really care about that and im sure they have better interests in line with you moreso than other companies, but figured I'd post their Terms and Conditions for those that it might affect.
I dont use paypal as its literally one of the worst ways to manage money in the US. So I'm not doing this unfortunately even though i AM voting and didn't vote in 2020.
Expand on why PayPal is especially, specificallyworse than other mainstream payment processing options?
This is not a reason for me to not participate.
Zulu, you never responded...
Funny but it has to be illegal right?
Its also coming after elon started tweeting that he would pay people $47 for registering swing state voters in support of trump.
And apparently if you register in his site with CAH as the referer, they'll be obligated to pay CAH.
super pac gaming baby. Who needs legality when the supreme court just fucking explicitly allows it.
it is not and this is where we are at.
paying for apology, making a plan of voting, and a tweet?
Not a great game, legendary company!
Already bought mine!
Her's how you might also be able to help:
Is there some way I can force Elon Musk to pay $47 to Cards Against Humanity PAC?
Funny you should ask! If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “” as your referrer, and they'll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America.
If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll sue him again.
I will absolutely share this around after checking it out myself, but what is a good response for the inevitable "they're bribing people to vote"?
They are, but they're doing it to troll Elon offering $47 for referrals of swing voters willing to sign petitions supporting conservative ideals.
They're paying for an apology for not voting in 2020, there's no obligation to vote in 2024.
I can't buy the card pack from Canada 😡 I wanna help
I live in texas. Send me a venmo link. Ill buy the cards through their portal, ship them to you, and match your contribution to to provide funding to individuals in need of abortion transportation and gender affirming care. I already fly for them. This is the least i can do. Lets go.
Canadians don't have Venmo either 🙃
No easy way to send money over the border. No venmo, and our 'interac Etransfer' doesn't work for American banks :/
I got a buddy in California who's gonna buy it and ship it to me
Thank you for being a good human being!
As buying the card seems to be a political donation I don't think that would be very legal. Afaik it is highly illegal to donate on behave of a non-citizen or non-resident.
But idk what the law says about donating more then you can afford and then stabalizing your finances by selling a whole bunch of vanity CAH cards on ebay.
Can they target the electoral college since they're the ones that overturned the popular vote in the first place???
I know this is a response to musk's bullshit, but this makes it sound like trump won the popular vote in 2016. He did not.
Federal law prohibits anyone from knowingly or willfully paying or offering to pay or accepting payment for registering to vote or voting (42 USC § 1973i(c)). It applies to primaries and elections that have candidates on the ballot for the office of president, vice president, presidential elector, or member of Congress, whether or not the violation alleges payment related to a candidate for one of those particular offices. It includes criminal penalties for violations. -
It sucks when Elon does this shit just as much as when someone does it for your team, guys.
The CAH folks have pretty good lawyers. Judging purely on the fact that they formed a Super PAC, they likely have good legal cover.
I found this pretty interesting:
How do you know who didn’t vote? We formed a Super PAC and bought the personal voting records of every American citizen from a data broker we found on the internet. It’s pretty fucked up.
And later on:
How do you know who’s “blue leaning”? We got your partisan lean from the same data broker who sold us your voting history. You wouldn’t believe how easy it was for us to get this stuff. So fucked up!
If they are basing this on which primary you vote in, it's going to be terrible since people like me who live in a swing state vote in the Republican primary since that's a more effective use of my vote than the Democratic primary.
I question the accuracy of their political lean assessment. I'm blazingly progressive and it has me down as "purple". Bitch, I'm a socialist.
I dont doubt that they have good lawyers but the law doesn't just have penalties for the people paying out, it also has penalties for accepting it. Even if they were offering free legal services to people who participate it still wouldn't be worth it.
They couldn't find me at all :(
They're not paying you to vote, they're paying for you to apologize. I'm sure they have sufficient legal backing.
They're my heroes that legal? That feels like paying people for votes, and I'm like...80% sure that's illegal?
No where does it say you only get the money if you vote.
Also, it's a response to Musk who did the same thing but more hateful.
Nowhere do they actually require anyone to vote or to vote a specific way
They're paying people to apologize for not voting in 2020, which does not include them voting in the next election.
It is! Isn't that fucked up?
The FAQs are a riot in the Campaign PAC site.
Chaotic good
This is AMAZING.
I'm sorry but I won't tweet even for $100.
...would they still pay me if I posted on Mastodon instead?
(Well, obviously they wouldn't pay me -- I did my duty as a citizen and voted in 2020 -- but...)
Would you tweet 100 times for $10000?
Since it's targeting people who don't give a fuck, is it called "cash for fucks?"
Bucks 4 Fucks
Isn't that like buying votes?
Well, they are specifically doing a call to action to vote, part of their "offer" is that you make a plan to vote. But they aren't saying you have to vote for a specific party.
Well, they are specifically doing a call to action to vote, part of their "offer" is that you make a plan to vote. But they aren't saying you have to vote for a specific party.
"America's bluest non voters" and "tweet Donald trump is.....". Looks like they are only paying if you agree with their politics. That is buying votes. Offering it to all non voters is one thing but the other requirements make it shady. Just as bad as Elon Musk "sign a petition". neither should be permitted.
No more so that Elon
Boom. Bought.
I think it is confusing for a company to do nice things.
Can I just do all those things and take $100? I'm already planning on voting but it'd sure help.
Read their FAQ (it's quite informative and pretty funny too!). Afaik you can if you actually didn't vote the last time, lean blue, and are eligible to vote in a swing state
One could only hope if they did end up at an epstein party it's at least good
What? If your only crime is being there and not helping the victims is it too much to ask that the music and food don't suck and the booze not be watered down
2020 was the first and last election I'll participate in. Fuck America and fuck you(including tankies).
Is Kamala that unpopular that you have to pay people to vote. This is Hilary all over again. And yes I know it's response to Musk but this wouldn't have been necessary with Obama.
It’s necessary because of all the money the other side has pumped in to getting morons to vote for a moron.
If we want that to stop, I think using the same tactics while pointing out how it shouldn’t even be allowed is a pretty good strategy.
Read through their statement
Seems a bit patronizing to imply non-voters exist because of republican propaganda and not apathy caused by generations of being fucked over by politicians on both sides.
I'm not saying don't vote, or don't vote blue, but don't expect non-voters to give a fuck about what you have to say when you dismiss their concerns and imply they aren't voting because republicans tricked them.
They don't need to stop. What they should do is adopt progressive policies that will excite the base. Number #1 would be stopping all arms sales to Israel.
A lot of people are lazy and just assuming Trump will lose, won't vote. Others it's a challenge because they have to take time off work as voting day is not a holiday in the US. Additionally some polling locations have long lines, something notoriously common in low-income areas. People have been known to wait many hours just to vote and so not surprisingly these areas often have lower turnout due to frustration.
Friendly reminder that most states are now permitting at least early in-person voting for all voters, if not mail-in.
Only three states offer neither...NH, MS, and AL. Those ones, people have to show up in person on a random-ass Tuesday.