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  • @ralenjor I'm glad to say that I will be slowly removing myself from not only META-based socials but also most Centralised ones as been enjoying the Fediverse so much better and I much prefer if people just message me through here.

  • This is an accurate representation of my Facebook until I removed anyone who wasn't an actual friend. I only rarely check it, anyway, so I don't want to see a bunch of people I don't care about spouting nonsense when I do look.

  • The idea of deleting facebook seems goofy to me. Just don't go on it. Its just a way to communicate with folks I know if I can't get in touch with them otherwsie and likewise. If they chat me it will email me and let me know and then I go on to see what they need. Used it just the other day to checkin on an old workmate when a tornado came close to where he lives.