Don't Do Drugs
Don't Do Drugs
Don't Do Drugs
Literally none of that makes sense. 5/7
Just your typical christian propaganda.
It has a happy ending, in case you were worried about Ashley. She's all good!
No wonder Ashley died with Jesus' cum in her heart. What a sicko, that guy.
What a relief! I was worried she might outlive her grandma. Thanks for tying up the cliffhanger.
This feels like something you would see your grandma see while browsing Facebook including the panel arrangement
Anyone looking for more of this, check out Boolean Union
I found this site years ago, but I haven't visited it in forever. They dissect Chick Tracts, and the site is a great way to read the full source material. From a cursory look, it seems they're still going strong to this day, up to Tract #285 now (there are still new ones being published). It's not just Chick Tracts, they've covered a lot of other evangelical fundamentalist pieces.
EDIT: I was a bit wrong, they just have every tract CATALOGUED on their site. By no means have they dissected them all, though they have quite a bit to dissect. The page I linked is a list of tracts that, when clicked, redirect to the Jack Chick website, where you can read them in full. Anyone looking for in-depth dissections can find them elsewhere on the Boolean Union site.
These particular ones are sadly all still available at They have some real doozies.
I remember reading great Chick dissections at Enter the Jabberwock back in the day. I think it's not up anymore but still accessible on wayback
Lmao that’s hilarious.. got any more?
You know it. I've got a whole folder of favorites. Here's a fun one:
Look up "Chick Tracts".