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  • Yes. Selling something advertised as a prohibited product, whether or not it's true, is technically a crime. Assuming we're talking about the US, in most jurisdictions this would be treated just about the same as if you were actually selling the same volume of the advertised product. I believe the reasoning behind it is that even if it's fake, you're creating a market for the real product to be traded, or something like that.

    So if you sell a 1 lb bag of flour calling it cocaine, you'd get charged as if you sold 1 lb of coke. The final judgement may not be as severe as actually selling a pound of coke, but the initial charges typically will be.

    Also, flour and sugar do not look like coke or meth up close. It would be immediately obvious a user/seller the moment it's in their hands, so this is also a really good way to get your ass kicked.

  • I used to have this friend we called Blaster Taylor. He was cool as fuck until he started abusing Adderall, and that Adderall addiction turned into meth pretty quick. Started shooting it, that's when I stopped kickin it with him.

    Anyway a couple years after that he got busted selling a bag of rock salt to an undercover cop saying it was meth, and he did a couple years for that as I recall. I don't talk to any of those dudes anymore but last I heard he's out by now, complete with swastika face tats.

    To paraphrase John Darnielle, selling fake meth was a bad idea; but selling it to a cop was a worse one.

    • I’m sorry for both you and your friend.

      • Meth literally ruined my life, my kid's mom started doing that shit and it was a catastrophe. Fortunately I've been clean pretty much the whole time because meth is a shitty drug and I've picked up the pieces pretty well, I'm currently the happiest ive ever been.

        He's not though 😬 don't do meth. Don't hang out with people who do it. It's pretty much a hassle all the way around, and who needs that? Especially for a drug that makes you pick at your face and chain-smoke fucking gross ass Pall-Malls in the driveway for three straight days

  • There are laws against selling fake drugs. Why does he think your product is a drug? Has it been represented to him as a drug by you or by someone with whom you are conspiring to sell fake drugs?

  • I suppose it is fraud. If they do hurt themselves after trying to consume they might end up in an ER and a hospital might be required to report (even if user would not have for obvious reasons)