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Syncthing for Android discontinued

GitHub - syncthing/syncthing-android: Wrapper of syncthing for Android.

Per the GitHub readme:

This app is discontinued. The last release on Github and F-Droid will happen with the December 2024 Syncthing version. Interactions (issues, PRs) are limited now, and the entire repo will be archived after the last release. Thus all contributions are preserved for any future (re)use. The forum is still open for discussions and questions. I would kindly ask you to refrain from trying to challenge the decision or asking "why-type" questions - I wont engage with them.

The reason is a combination of Google making Play publishing something between hard and impossible and no active maintenance. The app saw no significant development for a long time and without Play releases I do no longer see enough benefit and/or have enough motivation to keep up the ongoing maintenance an app requires even without doing much, if any, changes.

Thanks a lot to everyone who ever contributed to this app!

This is extremely disappointing news. I have been using the Syncthing-Fork version, but since it is based on this app, this may be the end for that app as well.

  • That's a bummer. I've been using the forked version as well, and even that dev has been annoyed with Google Play enough that it's only released on F-Droid nowadays.

    Personally, I don't think it's an issue only releasing only on F-Droid, because the people interested in Syncthing wouldn't be deterred by that if they're not already using it, but I totally get why that might sap the last bit of motivation the dev has.

  • Have this on all my devices to sync wallpapers. Such a shame when developers burn out

    • What's your workflow for syncthing & applying wallpapers? Do you use tasker alongside synthing to sync and auto apply a new but same wallpaper on all your devices?

      • SyncThing syncs a massive folder and Muzei randomises them and switches them every half hour. If they're ever the same on two devices, I start stressing because something has gone horribly wrong.

  • Been a while since I used it, but what it does it does well. I wonder what the complexity is for a relatively mature app to have someone else pick up maintinance