Colors can be applied using the <c> tag. You can either use a predefined color or define one yourself by using a 6 character HEX color code.
User defined colors:
Predefined colors:
<c=@AbilityType>Ability Type</c>
Text can be underlined by using the <a> tag which is typically reserved for links. By default it will have a light blue color but can be changed by adding the color attribute.
<a hoverColor=#ff0000>Blue underlined text, will change to red when you mouse over it</a>
Line breaks
The <brx> tag allows you to add a one and a half line break and are best suited for headers and paragraphs. The new line should be written directly after the tag, applying a regular line break between the tag and the new line will remove the tag.
Header line<brx>Second line
Special characters
There are two special characters that can be inserted to your text using the <ins> tag.