NewPipe is now available on Flathub
NewPipe is now available on Flathub

NewPipe is now available on Flathub
This is great news.
By "Developer of the Newpipe app"
It's a "No" from me. I'll stick to Freetube.
For those unaware, being verified means it is packaged by the official developer/team.
If you look at the description you can see that they clearly say that it isn’t official:
NOTE: This is an unofficial and experimental Flatpak build based on Android Translation Layer. Please report bugs to the ATL bug tracker instead of the NewPipe bug tracker
Don’t know why they’d put “Developer of the Newpipe app” as dev though
Don’t know why they’d put “Developer of the Newpipe app” as dev though
My guess is that they did not want to take credit as the developer of NewPipe itself. As if to say "We did not develop NewPipe, we just packaged it as a Flatpak". There is probably a better way to get that across in the byline, but I believe that is the intent.
...The Rock has come back to Flatpak!
Someone let me out of my cage
Now, time for me is nothing, 'cause I'm counting no age
FreeTube has significantly more features, so there's not much reason to switch either way.
On my phone I have to use a NewPipe fork in order to get SponsorBlock working.
A sync feature between FreeTube and NewPipe would be appreciated though.
Freetube on desktop Linux hasn't worked for me for a long time - but that doesn't seem to be the case for most people. Any tips regarding settings? I'd say it's been at least 3 or 4 months since I could reliably use it.
Is it possible to sync freetube between phone and pc?
Does this run on x86/64 bit systems? Or this is for Linux smartphones more.
It says:
Available Architectures
aarch64, x86_64
And it uses Android Translation Layer. Interesting. I'll give it a shot on my desktop later.
It says it’s available for both Intel and Arm architectures. However, I don’t know how well that actually works for both of them in practice.
Android translation layer is interesting. Well, at least I personally like this approach more than that of waydroid. Also would be nice to see the performance of that with binfmt compared to that of waydroid + libhoudini
Also nice because you can better isolate these Android apps instead of Waydroid which intentional has no isolation or selinux policies and runs in a rootful LXC container.
That's owsm!
That's awesome
Unverified... Nope. No install for me.
What is Flathub?
It is an appstore for Flatpaks. Flatpaks are a universal app package for Linux that runs in a sort of containerized environment. They're very prolific in the immutable linux world.
It allows Linux developers to package their app once and it will install across more than 40+ Linux distros without any additional effort:
An app store for linux.
I hoped for this for a long time before I found freetube. I'm still going to check it out, though. This is great news!
Is the android translation layer good enough to run games? And I wonder how we could manage controls for example in like codm.
According to the Gitlab repo for the Android transition layer, yes.
The images in gitlab look mouse controllable. I should've phrased my question better. I was wondering how keyboard was translated. I could test it myself but I'm 99% sure codm wont work.
Gray Jay was awesome while it worked. unfortunately for me, YouTube sources simply spin forever instead of playing the video.
super scuffed due to translation layer. wait for kotlin rewrite and hope for multiplatform
I think they can improve UI.
Love how when the dev of this felt compelled to link to atl, their browser gave them the link with /-/issues at the end. Really shows the effort that went into porting.