Hey US, we did it four years ago
Hey US, we did it four years ago
Hey US, we did it four years ago
Democracy supporters have to win every single time, while the fascists only have to win once. This is not a sustainable situation. We have to do what is necessary in a way that's a lot more permanent than just winning an election.
I think a big part of this is rural over representation. Not even talking the senate, but the house to be fair should allot 1 rep per the minimum pop of any state, which would give us about 573 reps and like 676 electors for president. Hell if we did it as the founders intended, one per like 60k people we'd have a house of 5.6k members.
Unfortunately the huge land owners want unequal representation, and they have a lot of power.
That requires carrying this energy past the election cycle, regardless of the differences we may have on opinion, and coming together in agreement.
Historically, the Left has been rather poor at banding together. We're more likely to argue than get things done most of the time. So it'll be an uphill battle for leaders of smaller groups across the Nation. First though, we need to make it past this hurdle.
The founders thought they inoculated us against tyranny in 1776.
They did a great job at that. It has lasted 248 years. But they also gave us a framework for updating our constitution and government, and that has been sorely neglected for a long time. The founders were wise enough to recognize that the system would need to change as times changed. What they didn't seem to anticipate is the insane tribalism created by technologies that weren't even a dream at the time, and how that tribalism would grind our government to a halt.
So anyways, I started blastin teaching my loved ones how to safely build guillotines.
you guys need to force a reform.
That's only going to happen if the side in favor of democracy is given a decisive victory. Squeaking out another win isn't going to be enough.
Did Harris have any pro-democracy stuff in her platform, like ending FPTP or the Electoral College? Trump campaigned on bad election reforms like ID requirements and same-day voting.
There was never any democracy here to save, and no way to make it sustainable without tearing down the constitution and starting over, and no way to hold a new constitutional convention that wouldn't be poisoned by money and power from the start.
You're not completely wrong. There are many aspects of our system that are deeplh undemocratic: the way that the donor class gatekeeps who is able to run, the way politicians serve lobbyists and donors over the public will, and the way that oligarchs own 95% of our news media all create an environment where the interests of the people are not represented by our government
thats exactly why voting is not a solution.
So what, at you going to start the french US revolution? That seems like a extreme idea that probably won't end well.
The US is a democracy. There is no threat outside of the fake information spread by US adversaries. Even if the worse president is elected there still little danger because of the balance of power.
Don't believe me? Look at the past. The supreme court and congress has put the executive branch in its place before. There is not more danger now than there was centuries ago. The US system is far from perfect but it is well proven.
I hope you are right, but excuse me for having doubts. Both Congress and SCOTUS is much more partisan than it was in the past. SCOTUS's ruling on presidential immunity is a direct example, eroding the checks and balances within the Constitution. McConnell's behavior and vote during the Jan 6th Impeachment trial is a second example. Trump's first term in 2016 started with him having no idea what he was doing, so he depended on establishment Republicans who would act as the adults in the room. That term ended with him having fired all of them, and with an attempted coup to stay in power. So far there have been no repercussions to him doing so. So yeah, excuse me for being worried about a potential "dictator on day one" who wants to deport millions of "illegals", would send the military against his political opponents who he has labeled the "enemy within", and to completely purge career public servants for loyalists (are you looking forward to Hershal Walker managing our National Missile Defense?).
The supreme court and congress has put the executive branch in its place before.
The SC betrayed democracy with Citizens United and again when they gave Trump immunity for his countless crimes while in office. Don't forget that the SC openly take bribes from billionaires.
The revolution will not be hosted on the fediverse.
Well, this aged quickly.
I'd make a Biden old joke here but my heart just isn't in it.
Hubris. Democrats lose because characters like RBG and President Biden simply could not fathom that stepping aside was ALWAYS what they should have done.
These miserable fucking dinosaurs have gambled away the good intentions, hopes, and stability of the entire nation because their internal mantra was that they are our political saviors, while everyone under 50 was full-throated screaming that they needed to step aside.
Fuck all you geriatric, foot on the gas, oblivious, incompetent fucks. If (big if) we ever regain our Democracy, the first thing on the agenda should be AGE CAPS for all public offices. Elderly fucking hubris has doomed us to more misery.
I do not trust Americans to "do their own research". I've seen how that has gone in the past. Too many Americans do their own research while scrolling Facebook from the toilet.
“do their own research”
That's redneck for "I found someone that agrees with me on the Facebook".
Research requires a critical mind. Think of a person you know that has average intelligence, 50% of people are more stupid than that.
And I'm not saying that stupidity is solely an issue for the republican electorate, I'm just saying "do your own research" is an unrealistic expectation.
People need to be engaged with.
More to the point, people need to not be told they're stupid for not already understanding everything there is to know about the theory you're peddling by a person who has taken some pains to avoid explaining any aspect of that theory.
Average lemmyml user
Satan himself could've posted that and he would still be right. Rather than being busy shitting on people for being the wrong kind of people who is right, you should shit on a people voting actual, literal Nazis ans facists into power.
Four years ago we gave it a stay of execution. Until we fully purge the fascist and focus government to actually serve the people, we are going to keep finding ourselves in chaos, until China beats us to and at everything.
Yeah, a Trump victory scares me, but what scares me more is the more competent fascist that comes next. The Democrats can't keep waiting for the Republicans to, "come to their senses." The material conditions of the working class need to improve, or fascist populism will take in the absence of economic populism.
It's crazy how the global powers have handed China so much power as a result of their insatiable greed. China was hardly a concern 40 years ago, but 4 decades of manufacturing and stealing literally everyone's IP have given them resources they didn't have access to before.
Democratic party is fucking useless. We will never be free unless we rid ourselves of legalized corruption.
Poor take. Truthfully, the people want hate. That's what trump ran on and promised.
This isn't about policy or likeability or whatever. This is what people want and they proved it. Stop blaming the Democrat party and blame what this country and its people are instead.
Are you kidding? The DNC circumvented the entire primary process to give us ANOTHER "anointed one" and, again, possibly the worst candidate possible to create the coalition that has always been Democrats' bread-and-butter. They even had Hillary go down to FL to lecture voters, while Bill went to Michigan to preach to Muslim communities about why the war in Israel is right. It's a fucking lampoon of strategy.
Every single DNC "elite" should retire from politics, today. They're losers, and losers lose. Because they never learn from their mistakes, which is what is required to win.
Hate and simple answers. Trump will "fix inflation" and "bring jobs back", what could be better? Don't ask how or what it will cost.
He didn't say he preferred trump, he said the Democrats are useless.
Which they are; they couldn't defeat an orange windbag with transparent aspirations of autocracy.
This kind of take is why we're stupid.
I'm sorry we failed you Bernie.
Oligarchs have all the power now
I wonder how quickly will the US progress from Elon Musk prancing around on stage to Trump Jack Ma-ing him, or if Bloomberg will commit suicide by six shots to the back of the head.
The golden age of the US oligarchy has been this past period. Under fascism, the causal relationship between having power and money reverses.
WDYM, Hitler was pretty friendly with German oligarchy. No suiciding them or something, their relationships were pretty chill, having fun together, going to countryside, going to each other with families, having coffee.
It depends if Vance can place a rollerskate at the top of the White House steps before that happens.
Now? I wasn't aware they ever didn't.
It's more like all pretense is gone now. Before, there was this veneer of legitimacy. Now, it's straight up fascism. It's a matter of image projection.
Except they've always had all the power. The money gets what the money wants.
But now more of the hurdles will be removed. Gotta make that wealth extraction more efficient 📈🥴
Can't let those poor and middle class people hold onto any of their money.
Voting is like breathing.
Every election is the most important one of yopur life.
Sorry we let you down, Bernie, there are just too many shitheads now.
I get why people say you "have to" vote against someone in a First Past The Post voting system. What I don't get is the inaction from the democratic party on changing the voting system between elections.
I wish the democrats had one tenth the urgency they claim to have. Democracy is one election away from falling... wouldn't you want multiple chances to defeat the republicans every election?
Democrats are so full of themselves, they won't accept that they might have to step out of the way to prevent the republicans from ruining this country. This fight is greater then the democratic party. They should start acting like it by pushing to get rid of FPTP voting in the states they control.
What I don't get is the inaction from the democratic party on changing the voting system between elections.
Several states have switched to RCV for some of their elections, and progress has been slow, but it's being made. If you want to see more, elect people that prioritize implementing better voting systems.
Democrats are so full of themselves, they won’t accept that they might have to step out of the way to prevent the republicans from ruining this country
you mean like biden did?
don't make me put on the mittens
We need a "bad guy" for everyone to get back on the same team but as it turns out, we are the "bad guy".
I see what you are saying but I don't think that's the problem. The problem is the media turning everything into a dramatic fight for freedom. It happens on both sides and it is always us vs them.
Americans need to stop believing what they are told and do there own research. Additionally, we need more factual sources of information. (Spoiler: the national news isn't one of them)
do there own research
Aye, they could maybe start with researching there spelling lol
We did it! Good job!
It wasn't even close
It was very close. As predicted, the battleground states all came down to 1 or 2 percent. Everything fell within the margins of error.
Unfortunately, the 1 or 2 percent leans all went in Trump’s direction.
What democracy?
The Democrats and Republicans fought harder to keep the party I support off the ballot than they did to stop each other from getting elected.
We still got mid terms
I rather fight for the Republic and not a state plant.
I'd* rather fight
I'm with you.
If a democracy allows this level of evil, better that it should die
Have fun with that. But last I checked, lots of us don't have the freedom to just migrate across the globe to a region that isn't collapsing and this would spell misery and anguish for countless people across the globe.
(Yes, if the U.S destabilizes, further global power imbalances will follow.)
So giving up and pretending to take the high ground over it isn't exactly in anybody's best interest.