What song are you listening to?
What song are you listening to?
What song are you listening to?
Sometimes, when I’m deep in thought I forget to turn on music in the car. My partner is convinced that i do it on purpose to piss them off. Really, my brain just sucks at multitasking.
So, I’d probably ride there in silence, but only because I forgot to turn on the music.
Sometimes I can't be bothered.
i like to listen to music while drawing but sometimes i start in silence, and i'm there thinking "gotta turn on the music" but i never actually do because i'm focused on drawing
Are you Nick Wiger?
Heh, I wish. I’m not exactly sure who he is, (even after reading his wiki) but I’m pretty sure he has a lot more money than me. Which would be nice.
Pedal to the metal and no distractions. Only the silent rage.
Pretty much. This is a dumb question.
I think it would depend on how confident I am that I'd be able to beat the kidnappers.
If it's like inept comedy movie kidnappers and I feel like I'm on my way to deliver an ass kicking, then yes I'd play pump-up music.
If it's scary KGB/ISIS kidnappers and I'm probably on my way to perform a well-intentioned yet ultimately futile gesture where I'll likely get killed before I even get through the door, then probably no tunes for that one.
Always an upvote for Doom OST
Holding out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Crank that shit cause I'm the hero tonight!
There are many good answers, but this is the perfect one.
Oh thank god, I thought I am the only one.
Put on some eurobeat and get there in 15 minutes
🎶 Max Power, Maximum and Higher 🎶
Obviously I listen to music. Without listening to the DOOMSLAYER track, how do i do what I am about to do?
Initial D
Absolutely. I'm listening to Sabaton and driving at 80 mph
Spends 30 minutes trying to find a song
What? I don't do good under pressure. Oh, maybe Under Pressure... hmm... nah... I mean it's good, but thematically isn't matching 100%.
No. My single minded attention would only register it as noise
Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins would be my vibe I guess
Especially if you have tinnitus
In the air tonight - Phil Colin's
This is the only correct answer here. If you wouldn't have posted it I would have.
That show used Phil Collins so much that eventually, they had to cast him as a drug kingpin.
For real? If so, kinda awesome for him
Directed by Michael Mann
Night Call - Kavinsky
Ohhh… The Girl From Ipanema, Nat King Cole version.
Perfect for a warm summer night’s drive. Not sure about the other 27 minutes though.
That's a long drive. I'll have to put on an audiobook.
yes and I'd probably still sit in the driveway for a few min figuring out what I want to put on
scrolling idly on the phone
"What are you doing? We have your wife motherfucker!"
"Oh, just trying to figure out what music to kill you to"
Im driving there with my skateboard listening fleetwood mac without nagging..
I'm listening to Behemoth, and I'm buying a bass speaker on my way so they hear me comming.
For sure turning it off so I can give all my attention to driving and getting there fast plus not having an accident and never getting there.
Same. Don't have time to mess with turning it on, and I'd need ALL my focus to drive with the speed I'd be going at
One way or another by Blondie
I would just get NPR on, at the risk of hearing a really interesting segment of Radio Lab and having a driveway moment and sitting through the conclusion right as I get to the location.
I'd call the police first.
Why? Does your local PD have really good music taste or something?
Tiny Tim - Livin in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight
I was going to say highway star but I am changing my mind for this now
Fortunate Son
Caramelldansen would be blaring as I pull up.
And before that Nyan cat.
DOOM 2016 soundtrack. The entire thing
They'll probably kill her because I can't decide on a song for that situation
You need to think ahead and make the playlist now, then! OP is trying to help us.
First though was Doom but someone said that already.
Something from this? https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=song+about+getting+a+girl+back
C&C - Fight Win Prevail, and Mechanical Man
I'd listen to this absolute banger to get in the mood.
Team America theme
Nekrogoblikon - No One Survives - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsMKOx6fumc
Immediately followed by?
That song is ruined now. Hopefully you don't show up and it's like funkytown with the kidnappers.
Aren't we still doing vintage memes? Guile's Theme, obviously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd2tIudSyR8
Tune the radio to NPR and hope Wait Wait Don't Tell Me is on.
You can stream that as a podcast now
I prefer to spin the wheel of destiny.
Yeah, I would already be tuned to NPR, and it would be turned down slightly in order to concentrate on reckless driving.
Realistically I wouldn't listen to music 'cause I Need to make a Plan and concentrate
Hammer Smashed Face - Cannibal Corpse. Y'know, to set the mood for the beatings to come.
I love when the metalheads show up in the comments for "what song..." Then proceed to list the equivalent of a mixtape of their fav genre lmao
Nero - Doomsday
Has some "me against the world" vibes to it. Also, it's hard as fuck. Perfect kidnapper beatdown music.
The sound of the TiAL MVR 44mm External Wastegate of my turbocharged K20 is music.
Dragonforce - Through Fire and Flames
Alexa, play Where Eagles Dare
Edit Youtube
On a warm night my windows would be up and tight while AC is working full force to chill me up
Same. Need a cold front to roll the windows down. A warm night is 90 degrees and humid.
How is speed metal not the only appropriate genre?
From Nowhere- dan croll https://youtu.be/973ibay5504?si=o3bYd6MY6gtilJQf
Appropriate, since it's the tenth anniversary of GTA V.
https://youtu.be/aRlSHG5hRY4?si=THykD33HjAUbKN-V radar love by golden Earring would instinctively push my pedal further down
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now / Starship
Music. And when I arrive I'd sit in the car until the current track finishes. Nothing interrupts A Rainbow in Curved Air.
Anything by Tiny Tim.
Even the one about Santa Claus having AIDS?
Tiptoe through the tulips...