What are some illegal things that should be legal?
What are some illegal things that should be legal?
What are some illegal things that should be legal?
Sleeping in a car that you own.
I think there should be restrictions on where to park for this, but in general people found sleeping in cars should be protected by the law against theft and harassment.
Restrictions on where you can park
Nah fuck that noise. This is how you let them corral you into slums.
Park where you want. Out front of parliament, the prime minister's house, on the street out front a billionaires house, wherever. If they don't like it, them they should fix it.
Well, I mean, someone's evil ex shouldn't park in front of their house. And people should not park for a nap in a handicap spot. And not in the driving portion of a road, not in the breakdown lane of a major highway, not on anyone's lawn.
But yeah, basically any place where parking is allowed, sleeping while parked should be allowed and protected.
parks perpendicular to the flow of traffic across the California 101 freeway
Instead of being robbed and harassed by the law? Agreed.
That's what I'm going for, yes.
The shady part is that most people who get bothered for sleeping in their cars is because they're doing it somewhere on private property.
Other than that, fully agree.
I don't think it's illegal, but rather where you park can make it illegal.
In the US, it depends on the State or municipality. I've slept in my car plenty of times while traveling, although it was often in parking garages and out of sight, so maybe I just got lucky. It will really depend on how uptight the town or store manager is. I've heard that RVs are generally welcome at Walmarts, so I'd like to heard the logic on why RV are ok to sleep in but not cars.
Weed (not legal in all states)
Most hallucinogens (at least for medical or supervised use)
Being trans (lotta states trying to ban me)
Being gay (they're probably next)
Abortion (many states ban this now)
Free healthcare (not technically illegal, per se)
Being homeless
Polyamory (not technically illegal afaik, but there are a lot of legal benefits that married couples get which aren't extended to polyamorous relationships due marriage being restricted to couples only)
The list goes on because while there are many basic things that aren't technically illegal, the system is set up in a way to fuck you because of the required profit motive behind offering basic necessities in a capitalist society.
The first five you listed are all one thing: bodily autonomy. We each have the right to do to ourselves whatever the fuck we want.
Not in the US we don't lmao.
We really need a constitutional amendment in the United States to explicitly protect bodily autonomy
Polygamy seems like a way to have dysfuntional families and kids that suffer from ptsd
Let's break the matter in two parts:
if the adults involved in such a relationship are all informed and consenting, no harm is done to anyone. No one has the right to interfere or comment on those people way of life.
If, eventually, there is the decision to have children, the chance of them growing in a dysfunctional home is as high as any other.
The family may be unconventional but it does not imply nor it is a given it is unable to properly care for children and pass down values of good individual and social behaviour.
polygamy and polyamoury are not the same thing. You're welcome. I often do that with actors, thinking two different people are the same person.
As someone with experience in poly relationships, (gently) you know not of what you speak. I'm merely a data point, but there is proof behind it vs 'seems' and assumptions.
Dumpster diving. Doesn’t matter if it’s food or merchandise. It should be illegal to lock a dumpster or willfully destroy usable goods.
Locking dumpsters is important in some areas so wild life dosen't get into them. To quote the National Parks service,
"There is a significant overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest humans".
Most businesses lock the dumpsters because trash service is expensive, and if you don't lock them people will pull up with a pickup bed full of trash and fill them up.
You've never had to repeatedly clean trash slurry off of a concrete slab because junkies are terrible people who have no manners. If people could be trusted to not redistribute the trash across the land I wouldn't mind so much
Dumpster diving laws are more about trespassing and removing liability anyway.
Abortion. No specific circumstances needed. If a woman wants an abortion, it should be allowed. There is no one getting late term abortions that didn't want the child and something tragic happened and now they need one.
As a caveat to the last sentence, it's definitely possible for women to not know they're pregnant until very late in the process. There have even been women who only found out they were pregnant when they went into labor.
I know a family that had 6 hours of pregnancy, and they, like most in the same situation, did not seek a late term abortion. By the time labor sets in, the fetus is developed enough to survive outside the womb, so anyone seeking to end the pregnancy without taking possession of a child, should be allowed to simply demand that the fetus be removed. It should be up to the medical staff to decide how.
At what point is it no longer an abortion, though?
That's not a gotcha, it's very simple. Doctors decide whether a fetus is viable outside the womb, and if it is, then it's a birth. The line for this keeps shifting earlier as neonatal medicine improves. Doctors aren't going to destroy a child that can live, they took a hypocratic oath. Once it's outside on its own, "my body my choice" no longer applies.
In fact, the opposite is frequently a problem, where enormous intervention is given to keep an extremely premature child alive when all you are doing is guaranteeing them a lot of suffering. There are plenty of parents who wish in retrospect that the option to simply not intervene had been offered, because they see how much pain their child goes through. It is already perfectly fine, legally and ethically, to decide that a child is simply too weak to have a good quality of life. You can offer them milk (if they feed on their own that is a sign of good health and probably won't ever happen with a case like this), but after that hold them and say goodbye.
People talking about late term abortions and killing babies after ripping them out of the womb at 40 weeks are completely divorced from reality. That's Alex Jones level bullshit.
Pirating of otherwise unavailable media.
The right to end one's own life.
I think you have the right to do this. No one's gonna charge your if you're dead..
Being illegal means you can't have humane and stressless suicide devices available to market. Instead one has to rely on tools which are uncertain, or cause you too much stress at the end of your life. And at the same time you have to dodge the state, so you can't just announce it and spend your last hours with your loved ones.
Many places make it illegal to allow police to intercede. In most places, the police can intervene if they believe a crime is about to be committed.
There is a huge line between someone who is terminally ill, and wants to die on their own terms, and someone having a mental health crisis. The first should be legal, but still needs support and checking, the 2nd need immediate help.
They will make your life hell if you fail though.
Dark. And I like.
But if you fail, you get stuck in a bad place.
Also I want to like just take some poison and die. Like an "official" way to do it. I don't know if I can have the courage to jump off a bridge. And even then, its not 100%. The nearesr bridge near me is like 100 ft in height, not sure if thats enough. People survived Golden Gate and thats even higher.
Like I wanna one day just wait till my parents yell at me and tell me to "kys" then I just take a poison and die in front of them. I mean like some type of poison that let me just peacefully die, zero pain, 100% guarantee. Like imagine their reaction lol.
Prostitution. Keeping it illegal makes it so much worse for everyone involved except human traffickers.
Giving water to voters standing in line
Punching nazis in the fucking face
Punching nazis in the fucking face
There's no way this can backfire, right?
"Oh you support Ukraine, you are a nazi!" punch
(Who's gonna determine who is a nazi? I mean, by this logic, we can legalize killing rapists. Then you can go around killing people whom you declare to be a rapist.)
Sex work.
Sex work is real, dignified work that contributes to civilization.
Unlike being a landlord.
I've definitely been fucked by a few landlords, but it's not a service I'd recommend to anyone else.
Taking food when you have no food
Poverty, being unhoused.
Felons should have the right to vote.
Seeking gender affirming care.
Are we talking about incarcerated felons, or felons that served their time?
Wait a minute, felons can run for president but can't vote who to be president?
Freedom of speech in China.
There is freedom of speech.
Just not freedom after speech.
For now all I can think of are drugs (every single one, including opioids) and euthanasia (not just for terminal diseases, should be available for everyone who decides to).
With limits
Fentanyl, for example, should require doctors guidance at least, and forced medical help to get off of it when you're displaying addiction behavior.
Euthanasia should also be legal, but with strict rules. You want to avoid someone off themselves just because they're having a bad day
People already choose to buy and use fentanyl without a doctors prescription, why should they be treated as criminals? If a junkie commits crimes because they are high, that should be criminal, and if a junkie commits crimes to get more drugs, that should be criminal, but I do not see a purpose in criminalizing fentanyl for consenting adults.
Actual marriage equality.
Meanwhile here in north America, you can usually buy alcohol any time at gas stations....
Bypassing DRM for personal use
How is that illegal?
Ask the record/movie/book/game companies that want you to buy the same content every time they come out with a new medium for you to consume it
Everything's legal when you're at sea!
!piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com (inaccessible on lemmy.world instance)
Because of the implication?
Both, international law or country law doesn't apply outside of the territorial waters of a country.
Decriminalize all drugs. Drug addicts have enough problems with them without also getting the boot from the legal system.
Ya but not selling hard drugs.
For some people, existing.
Rescuing animals who would be harmed by their owners without intervention.
gender affirming care for trans children
To play some devils advocate here, this is still a very sensitive subject. Not because the kids don't have a right to that care but because kids are kids, and things can change drastically for them as they grow. For every kid who genuinely needs that care, there is another who doesn't but is searching to discover themselves. Some forms of affirming care are safer than others, but others can have drastic life long effects on growing people. Unfortunately there are also some parents that will force care (or lack thereof) on kids in one way or another.
I think that therapy and understanding should be promoted heavily for kids so they can identify and understand how they feel and why, but blanket statements are challenging because they can be very easily spun (ex. All the "the left wants to force drugs on kids" bullshit that gets spouted.)
Not saying that I'm right or that you're wrong, but I think this is a discussion that still has to be opened/presented further for it to gain traction in the public eye.
Excuse me, Mx. "Devil's Advocate," but nothing you said is contradictory to/incompatible with providing gender affirming care to children. In fact, therapy and understanding/acceptance are a major part of that.
The biggest issue I have is that trans children's needs and well-being are thrown under the bus to save the small minority of genuinely confused cis people. Given the current state of their rights, any argument for waiting until some more idealized treatment arrives is an argument against trans rights and our entire community's well-being.
Give children the right to buy alcohol too.
More give doctors the right to treat their patients
Being homeless in nyc
Oh thats not just NYC, its basically everywhere.
Youre right I’m not thinking big picture
Euthanasia. Access to free and humane end of life services should be a fundamental human right for all adults everywhere.
Some, but... Certain super-addictive drugs should be limited.
limited but not illegal. punishing people for using drugs is so backwards...
For adults, literally everything that doesn't directly hurt other living things.
Self-defense against state violence. Death threats against corporate execs and politicians who condemn thousands to death daily.
Kids 16 and under accessing social media. Responsibility should be on their parents and household, not the government.
Gonna have to disagree with you for two reasons:
Fair, not yet but the bill has passed and it's now being written into law in Australia, where I live. I agree that it'll be difficult for the child to be the odd one out if most people in society are doing something that they're banned from doing at home but when has that stopped society from progressing? Why teach to cave into societal pressure when you can apply critical thinking as to why it's being limited in the first place?
Vigilante Justice
If the law and authority has failed you, you should be allowed to take matters into your own hands.