I do like that it tells you, rather than just dying. But who the eff decided it was a great idea to have the low battery voice not only pause the music, but also repeat itself every 3 seconds???
I'm so worked up I'm using italics multiple times over here!!
Not OP, but I speed up YouTube all the time watching podcast-like content. If the content is all in the words or audio that's not music, speeding it up doesn't hurt quality, and it helps my ADHD brain stay on topic if they're wheel-spinning for a few seconds with some 'ums', or just rephrasing something.
Basically... It's a really good way to condense compatible kinds of entertainment, at least for me. Unless it's a topic I really have to mull over, the sped up info delivery is priceless.
So much this. I had a cheaper pair of Bluetooth headphones back in the day and when they got 10 percent or so they would loudly (regardless of volume set) proclaim