How Ketosis Can Improve Brain Health - Dr. Mathew Phillips Shares the Science [56:57]
Dr. Matthew Phillips is a neurologist and Director of Neurology at Waikato Hospital in New Zealand. His emphasis is on applying metabolic strategies in healthcare to heal many difficult disorders at their core through fasting and ketogenic diets.
A fascinating discussion about designing research protocols for mitocondrial metabolic research with cancer patients, alzheimer's patients, als, parkinsons, etc. A really illuminating walk behind the curtain.
During this talk they discuss previous research protocols, current protocols, and possible future protocols.
There is lots of promising avenues of further research around mitocondrial function. Near the end of the interview it's mentioned that you could view metabolic syndrome moderate stage mitocondrial disfunction, and cancer/alzhimer's/parkinsons as advanced mitocondrial disfunction - I've never thought of it that way, its a very compelling model.