Does an international porn site like Pornhub take accents into account with their algorithm? Does an Australian watching Pornhub porn tend to get more porn with Australian accents than an American?
IDNWFP (I do not work for Pornhub) but usually such algorithms are not that explicit. They don't create rules and then come up with an algorithm to match these rules. They throw in a lot of data, do some statistics and then end up with a black box that makes the numbers go brrrrrr.
So the answer is likely that Australians will get more porn with Australian accents if that is something a group the algorithm put them into likes.
Probably, because it would put you in a group with other Australians and I'm sure they take any data they can get that can be used for localisation into account since preferences are influenced by location. But being in that group would only give you more Australian accents if that is something the data shows the group is into.
Or maybe they also take the upload location of the video into account.