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The Steam Autumn Sale 🎮 is over, what did everyone get?

I bought over a dozen promotional games, with high discounts on several old games, Cities: Skylines-90% for only $2.99; Darkest Dungeon-92% for only $1.99. Also bought a promising HoMM-like new game, Pennon and Battle.

  • Slime Rancher

    I would say definitely worth the 2 bucks. I wanted something I could play without having to pay attention to story, so it seems to fit the bill pretty well.

  • Gearbits Mafia Trilogy Dave the Diver

    I'm enjoying the hell out of Gearbits. It's an indie mech shooter with Gundam aesthetics and fast-paced action like Armored Core for a base price of only $10.

  • I bought half life 1 and 2 for a friend. Other than that I'll wait until the winter one which starts in a few days

  • I grabbed a bunch of games for Playstation, Steam and Switch. Some were cross platform so I could have gotten it for any of them. I grabbed a bunch of Atelier and Senran Kagura games, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, plus old JRPGs on a discount like Omega Quintet, Seven Pirates H, Mugen Souls, and Megadimension Neptunia VII. I do want to get the Romancing Saga 2 Remake but since I am still playing the Remaster on XBox, I decided to wait.

    Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World is going to scratch my simcity itch. I am not ready to get into Cities Skylines 2, yet, I did play the first though. I had Estival Versus and Peach Beach Splash on the Playstation but they have graphical glitches on the PS5, so I got them again for Steam discounted. I also bought Theatrhythm for the Switch though I already had it for Playstation. Also got Patapon.