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  • Forget the brainworms.

    The only thing that matters is working class vs ruling class.

    Brainworms can be solved if you can first get people on working class vs ruling class. You have them listening to prole agitators instead of the bourgeoise. The brainworms were injected by the fact they've been listening to the bourgeoise in the first place, once you get them away from that and into a communist sphere of influence you can melt them away.

    • I agree with you completely. It’s clear he gives a shit about the greater good even if his analysis sucks. The latter can be fixed. Well not in this guy’s case — he’s fucked.

      • Yeah my point is not so much about this guy but how discussion about this guy can be channeled. Not just this guy but the sentiment "shooting CEOs is good actually" is literally everywhere now, which is NEVER going to be something the right supports.

        A highly upvoted comment on Ben Shapiro's video condemning the shooting was "if the left supports this call me a leftist then".

        All we have to do to actually get people to hear us out is use the right language when they open the door, then fix the brainworms once they're actually listening to us. The biggest barrier is getting them to listen in the first place.

    • To be true, it need to be consistent against discrimination that divide the working class (such as racism, patriarchy and imperialism). So one who imply in class struggle, shall not be class first However I honestly didn't get how this kind of position could be right wing. There is consistent left position in both atheism and religious. Moreover, both religion and political atheism are trusted by far right.

      • I don't think we need to create perfect communists.

        What we need to create is a party large enough and organised enough to seize the moment. And a proletariat angry enough to do revolution.

        ANY party that is large and well organised enough to.... ORGANISE... Will defacto become the vessel of revolution because people will be forced into supporting whatever is realistic and available when it happens.

        Hamas for example has all the weapons, largely because of supporting allies in Hezbollah and Iran. This used to be the PFLP but then the soviet union fell and that's where their supplies were from so they've dropped off as the most realistic vessel for resistance in Palestine, people support the most realistic thing that can do resistance and that thing happens to be who has the most weapons.

        The same scenario plays out in revolutions around the world. Those with the most organisational power (and the most ability to do violence) will leap to the forefront of a revolutionary situation. The people will want neither of the main parties, they will want whatever the most realistic next possible is. The job of communists is to become that and be ready for the opportunity, then seize it decisively when it comes and fend off opposition.

        The members of the party need to be perfect communists, for obvious reasons, the party needs to be led well and have good ideology. The people that follow it do not, it's beneficial but not important for purism among the proletariat itself.

  • That doesn't make any sense. The crux of right wing ideology is that profit is the highest virtue, and if someone can't afford the commodified necessities of life this results in, then they don't deserve to live. Why would they kill one of their heroes?

    • he loves tech CEOs maybe it's just a turf thing.

    • Its really easy to worship the boot when you're the one doing the stomping. Whole lot harder when you're under it.

    • I'm no conspiracy theorist, and I don't have any other corroborating evidence, but his banner has an x-ray. I'm wondering if our guy got himself into serious medical debt with a denied claim, read the :deny-defend-depose: book and went from there?

      • what funny is it isn't anywhere on his goodreads list. maybe he picked it up in the last 6 mos and didn't log it

        i guess it's possible he became laser focused obsessed in the last 6 mos after his own issues and his grandparents died. best case scenario really.

      • Seems like the most likely scenario. If he's a standard brainwormed techbro he might not have cared or thought about health insurance until it fucked him over personally and decided to take things into his own hands

    • To the right-libertarian, the truest believer in free markets and capitalism in the abstract, a monopolistic corporation is a scandal. These sorts of middlemen are not part of the libertarian’s idealized conception of capitalism. Therefore this CEO would be preventing the smooth and morally good functioning of capitalism.

      He’s basically an ancap

      , which imo fits perfectly well on the right-wing side of things.

      I think this guy has personal experiences due to some sort of spinal fusion seen in his Twitter banner. So, his politics may only be a part of his motive.

      • A good thing to remember is that an-caps believe that it is government regulations that mess up the market operating 'correctly', and that 'Obama-care' manipulated the 'free market' and forced healthcare insurance corporations onto the American public.

        They can absolutely hold a grudge against 'corporatists and statists'. The fact of the matter is that regardless of his ideology, even if he was an an-cap this doesn't actually do anything. It's good and funny because CEO's are some of the most worthless people on the planet, but not exactly a project builder.

  • very conflicting feelings looking through his twitter but at the day hes taken one of the most revolutionary actions I've ever seen so i think i can cut him some slack.

    Edit: actually no fuck that. i still fully support him. i wont let myself fall victim to the division of the working class; this man took out one of the wealthiest pieces of shit ever. he will forever be a hero