Adam Johnson post on the Adjustor.
Adam Johnson post on the Adjustor.
Adam Johnson post on the Adjustor.
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Proof Ivy Leagues don't teach you shit. As funny as the monopoly money in a bag was I am very disappointed he didn't have a change of clothes. Wtf was the guy thinking
They teach you how to touch a computer just like every university in 2024
They teach you how to be bouge
Not to be pedantic, but Penn isn't an Ivy
The NYT article in the thread about him being arrested said something about him being in an ivy league school
Nevermind, I just forgot that it was
I don't even know what ivy league means apart from "rich and fancy"
It was created for sports. Can't have state school linebackers sacking the fancy lads.
Not only that. He got talked into taking off his mask by the hostel girl with a cheap "oh haha your smile is so pretty, please take it off, definitely not for the camera behind me because we want to use this stuff to catch you if you're here to commit a crime" and giving her a smile. If this is indeed him. It would have been so easy too. He could have just changed his look a little before the hit, not taken off the mask, used gloves, disposed of his gun and made sure he had nothing incriminating on him.
Honestly not surprised.
So many people were (and will now act like they never did this btw) talking shit for days about how clever the adjuster was, how he had them all fooled, how perfect the crime was, how the cops were just making up random things like finding food he ate which they got DNA off (pro-tip: never let them get a sure match on your DNA, if they can't put a name to you but have enough evidence that a name is all they need to find to convict, you're going to be fucked for a crime like this because eventually a relative will use a DNA testing company that will sell to the cops who will be checking shit like this against it annually for the next 25 years to catch you for killing most important bourgeoisie and then it's just a matter of narrowing down your family tree, following people, and getting your DNA sample surreptitiously and you're fucked unless you're out of the country and out of extradition range by then). All that talk about you know first 48 and I was just shaking my head. Of course I hoped along with everyone else he did get away and disappear but the cops were saying too many things and the reward numbers were not going up like you'd expect for a crime with no real leads or evidence.
I have to believe that he wanted to be caught to prove something. To plan everything out to get caught with all that stuff on you makes no sense..