I'm going to be sincere here. If you are regularly tired, lacking sleep, or have the "Leave me alone until I've had coffee" archetype; look for work at a different shift. Seriously. I was completely miserable at my java web dev job right out of college circa 2001. After a couple of years, I believed that I could not do my hobby as a job because I was completely miserable. Time passes with shitty dev jobs until 2003, I somehow got an apprenticeship doing machining. It was 2nd shift exclusively. It revolutionized me as a person. I'm 2nd shift, through and through. I guess that my point here is that if your eyes don't naturally open really early, there are options and you should listen to your body.
I used to think I was a night owl, so I got an overnight shift. Was up most of the day at times. Eventually a doctor recommended I take provigil (which didn't do much). Moved to a different job on second shift. Still miserable sleep. Learned enough that I got promoted into a 24/7 on-call role with lots of 5am start times for various projects and 9-5 meeting availability. Misery (which should not be a surprise).
Morning: fugue state. Feel as if I’ve been slingshotted into a separate plane of time where the hours of the day feel drawn by random.
Evening: alert, focused. Each minute feels precious. Backlog of ideas overflowing. Dread having to go to bed at a time that feels ‘normal’.
A term I learned just this year: chronotypes. Basically, the preferred timing of the wake-sleep cycle varies among humans. Easy to imagine how that might have been useful from an evolutionary perspective: always someone to keep watch while the rest sleeps.
Oh yes i am definitely one of them “keep the fire alive while telling stories about the night sky” types.
But what that really means is that somehow during the day my body already has the energy to be alert and focused. It just refuses to let me selfdrive unless i fill it up with caffeinoline first or till when actual cosmic phenomena are aligned to my subconscious.
It's backwards, the guy got angry about his work taking his time during the day, or maybe he did some overtime....
Then he hit something called "revenge bedtime procrastination" - which is when you take back time at night, because you feel like something or someone took too much of your time during the day.