1 crossposts
Deoxyribo&ucleic acid
Deoxyribo&acid (Deoxyriboandacid)
The N stands for nucleic.
Safe me, jeebus!
The power of the Lord compels you .... HE COMPELS YOU!!!! (palm slaps you on the forehead)
Are you licking toads?
Favorite band: Hall Nucleic Oats
Favorite game: Dungeons Nucleic Dragons
Favorite tv show: Law Nucleic Order
Wonder what Challenge Rating a Nucleic Dragon would be?
"God safe us" God save us.
"Nucleic" is just German for "And".
Dungeons and Acid
Dicks 'N' Ass
That's allot.
Alot is not amused.
Deoxyribo and nucleic acid
and *ucleic
Average social media moment
Still worthy to share on this community.
Shadow Raiders great show
I mean I write little inside jokes to myself in my private notes all the time