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  • I don't think this question is particularly interesting or productive, either you accept total extinction or you accept eco-fascism as a valid viewpoint in the context of this question. There's nothing to be learned from, and it sets the user up to align with eco-fascism based on a false dichotomy to begin with.

  • There's only one answer. What's the point of this question? The only people that would want total wipe out are the ones that say stuff like "Humanity is a cancer on the world I shall go and do a clean-up!".

  • 100%

    I dont actually care about the continued propogation of the species all that much, and I'm cooked either way so... lets crab bucket it up.

  • How did everyone die? Assuming that you were the rich person or the indentured servant of a rich person, it would depend on that for sure.

    Was it a horrendous, highly contagious mega-pandemic that no one is immune to, and you survived because you billionaire-bunkered the moment that news reports started to hit? I'd think you could resurface sooner rather than later, and there will be places you can travel to that aren't really contaminated by the dead (like places that had low population before the outbreak).

    After a few years, you could branch out to wherever (not that any single place is really that much better than others in a nearly empty world), likely the plague will no longer be virulent among the dead. You could quickly carve out a decent life for yourself, though you'd better get self-sufficient fast, without the support structures of the old world being there to do everything for you.

    But if it was nuclear apocalypse? You're going to be bunkered for a long time, with little company. You'd likely end up envying the dead.

  • Keep the species alive.

    70m rich people to run humanity.. they won't be rich anymore, it's all relative. Probably the first problem is going to be to organize self sufficient communities, search and rescue the isolated pockets of survivors.

    Many rich people tend to live near each other, but not too near, so some communities will be able to get started quickly.

    Basics of life, food, shelter, security, health. Probably a fair few doctors in the survivor group, so health is covered.

    Probably many can fly airplanes. A few might even be able the maintain their planes.

    Adventuring is an extremely rich person's hobby, so there will be basic survival skills in the group.

    Food, like in many zombie scenarios, will last a few years before it becomes critical.

    In this scenario, we're probably looking at a lot of learn skills in this group, because of their previous amount of leisure time, some of them have accrued lots of knowledge. That they can now apply. For those who have no basic skills, they will be forced to learn. Maybe not all 70 million will thrive, but enough. Society will continue. Humans will continue.

    As far as the survivors are concerned, they're no longer rich, they're in a labor poor environment, and they have to provide for themselves. So society will effectively reset.