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Jesus Christ, Lavern!


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  • When did I say that it’s impossible to understand western politics without reading the Bible? How is my claim ridiculous?

    Your argument makes you sound like a Bible literalist. If you read such a text and conclude that one of the most important bits is “humans used to be 10ft tall” then you might struggle with reading comprehension.

    I’d be happy to share journal articles relating to the importance of the Bible and politics if that’s what you’re interested in. However I think a great starting point on the Bible’s influence would be through literature. Chapter 2, 7, 14, 18 of How to Read Literature Like a Professor is a great starting point.

    An example of biblical literature being relevant to modern day politics would be the story of Moses. Moses was born to two different worlds 1) the common/poor or overlooked and 2) the wealthy ruling class. Because of this he is able to not only appeal to the masses but also wield the power to control them (this story is repeated is numerous ancient texts as well). The modern Republican Party uses a similar tactic. Someone like Donald Trump appeals to voters by creating a story where he is relatable and “one of them.” However he also has the financial and cultural backing to be a popular candidate.

    • Wow, biblical stories have allegorical meanings? This is brand new information to me!

      No shit there's some basic stories about human nature. Yes, christian fundamentalism has been a shaping force of the west. That still doesn't make the Bible itself worth reading especially when, as previously established, most christians themselves haven't done so.

      It's like saying someone should read Dianetics to understand why Scientology is fucked up.

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