In other words, an AI-supported radiologist should spend exactly the same amount of time considering your X-ray, and then see if the AI agrees with their judgment, and, if not, they should take a closer look. AI should make radiology more expensive, in order to make it more accurate.
But that’s not the AI business model. AI pitchmen are explicit on this score: The purpose of AI, the source of its value, is its capacity to increase productivity, which is to say, it should allow workers to do more, which will allow their bosses to fire some of them, or get each one to do more work in the same time, or both. The entire investor case for AI is “companies will buy our products so they can do more with less.” It’s not “business customers will buy our products so their products will cost more to make, but will be of higher quality.”
They just want to make an economy they don't have to pay anyone to profit from. That's why slavery became Jim Crow became migrant labor and with modernity came work visa servitude to exploit high skilled laborers.
The owners will make sure they always have concierge service with human beings as part of upgraded service, like they do now with concierge medicine. They don't personally suffer approvals for care. They profit from denying their livestock's care.
Meanwhile we, their capital battery livestock property, will be yelling at robots about refilling our prescription as they hallucinate and start singing happy birthday to us.
We could fight back, but that would require fighting the right war against the right people and not letting them distract us with subordinate culture battles against one another. Those are booby traps laid between us and them by them.
Only one man, a traitor to his own class no less, has dealt them so much as a glancing blow, while we battle one another about one of the dozens of social wedges the owners stoke through their for profit megaphones. "Women hate men! Christians hate atheists! Poor hate more poor! Terfs hate trans! Color hate color! 2nd Gen immigrants hate 1st Gen immigrants!" On and on and on and on as we ALL suffer less housing, less food, less basic needs being met. Stop it. Common enemy. Meaningful Shareholders.
And if you think your little 401k makes you a meaningful shareholder, please just go sit down and have a juice box, the situation is beyond you and you either can't or refuse to understand it.
You know, OpenAI published a paper in 2020 modelling how far they were from human language error rate and it correctly predicted the accuracy of GPT 4. Deepmind also published a study in 2023 with the same metrics and discovered that even with infinite training and power it would still never break 1.69% error rate.
These companies knew that their basic model was failing and that overfitying trashed their models.
Sam Altman and all these other fuckers knew, they've always known, that their LLMs would never function perfectly. They're convincing all the idiots on earth that they're selling an AGI prototype while they already know that it's a dead-end.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. LLMs are not AI. It is a natural language tool that would allow an AI to communicate with us using natural language...
What it is being used for now is just completely inappropriate. At best this makes a neat (if sometimes inaccurate) home assistant.
To be clear: LLMs are incredibly cool, powerful and useful. But they are not intelligent, which is a pretty fundamental requirement of artificial intelligence.
I think we are pretty close to AI (in a very simple sense), but marketing has just seen the fun part (natural communication with a computer) and gone "oh yeah, that's good enough. People will buy that because it looks cool". Nevermind that it's not even close to what the term "AI" implies to the average person and it's not even technically AI either so...
I don't remember where I was going with this, but capitalism has once again fucked a massive technical breakthrough by marketing it as something that it's not.
What blows my mind about all this AI shit is that these bots are “programmed” by just telling them what to do. “You are an employee working at McDonald’s” and they take it from there.
Yeah fuck AI but can we stop shitting on fast food jobs like they are embarassing jobs to have that are somehow super easy.
What you should hate about AI is the way it is used as a concept to dehumanize people and the labor they do and this kind of meme/statement works against solidarity in our resistance by backhandedly insulting people working in fastfood.
Is it the most complicated job in the world? Probably not, but that doesn't mean these jobs aren't exhausting and worthy of respect.
The whole point of AI is to provide a narrative framework that allows the ruling class to further dehumanize labor and treat workers worse (because replacement with automation is just around the corner).
Realize that agreeing to this framework of low paid jobs as easy and worthless plays right into the actual reasons the ruling class are pushing AI so hard. The true power is in the story not the tech.
When chat gpt first was released to the public I thought I’d test it out by asking it questions about something I’m an expert in. The results I got back were a Frankenstein of the worst possible answers from the internet. What I asked wasn’t very technical or obscure, and what I received was useless garbage. Haven’t used it since, I think it’s fraud like NFTs were fraud, only worse because these fraudsters convinced the business class that they have a tech solution to the problem of labor lowering their already obscene profits.
If it got my thing wrong I can only imagine what else it gets wrong. And our elites want to replace us with this? Ok lol good luck with that
People don’t get my order right either, for what it’s worth. But at least they have the excuse of being over-worked/under-paid, under pressure of being fast to hit metrics, and are usually a teenager or low skill worker.
And usually they take the order right, it just gets messed up on the line. So the AI is worse
Current AI is just going to be used to further disenfranchise citizens from reality. It's going to be used to spread propaganda and create noise so that you can't tell what is true and what is not anymore.
We already see people like Elon using it in this way.
McDonalds removes AI drive-throughs after order errorsbecause they aren't generating increased profits
Schools, doctor's offices, and customer support services will continue to use them because reducing quality of service appears to have no impact on the influx in private profit-margin on revenue.
Tbh if I told half the doctors and top scientists in the world to take my burger order, or flip the patty, they'd fall apart and fuck it up. It's apples and oranges
Not a good argument. Applying a specific technology in a specific setting does not invalidate its use or power in other application settings. It also doesn't tell how good or bad an entire branch of technology is.
It's like saying "fuck tools", because someone tried to loosen a screw with a hammer.
Pull up to McDonald's, order a Big Mac, fries and orange juice. Pay and take the bag at the window. Open the bag at the park, it's cancer medicine! Some little kid in the hospital is eating your fries! Stupid AI, second time this week!
Edit: I'm willing to take my downvotes, but I need to know, is it because I made a joke about little kids being denied cancer medicine by stupid AI? Or is it because I like orange juice?
Yes, clearly it makes sense to think the AI software that takes McDonalds orders is the same as the AI software that would be used in a classroom. So if McDonalds AI can't handle its job, neither can the other.