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What is favourite File manager app and why ?

Some years back I was a mixplorer user, then switched to solid explorer for some time and now I'm using Material Files.

I was thinking of going back to either Solid / Mixplorer or trying something new.

  • I have tried alot of File Managers but MiXplorer is the one that suits me the most. Althought I would've prefered an opensource File Manager, Material Files is a little too basic for my needs. The developer of MiX is an awesome dude so I trust him.

    • Ghost Commander is featureful and open-source but its UI feels a bit... 1992.

  • FX File manager - mounts anything, including SSH, Windows shares,... Great root support, two windows for easier file operations,....

  • Cx File Explorer

    I also use it as a music player since it properly orders files by alphabet and allows for "play single track once" option.

    • I've never found anything better than Cx File Explorer or anything Cx File Explorer can't do. It's my go-to app for managing local, NAS, and cloud based files.

    • I use File Explorer+ which is the same dev apparently.

  • FX file explorer, tons of tons of options. And works better than most.

    • Yes! It's actually the only app I ever bought the premium version of. It's basically a fully fledged file explorer like you'd find on a Linux desktop. It even supports FTP and Samba.

    • doesn't work well on android 13

      • What issue do you have? I use it for close to ten years on almost every android version and it just works.

      • Using on android 13 without any issue. You device might be problem not the android version.

  • I'm using X-plore for about 15 years now, since Symbian

    There's just nothing like it. Super powerful and easy to use

  • Material files and/or anemo are perfect for me. Wish material files could handle more kinds of compressed archives though, I have to keep a different app for those tasks

    • what sort of archives? never encountered any that Material Files woudl refuse to open

      • Like 7zip, or winrar if I remember right. Sometimes when torrenting something or getting ROMs for emulation I've come across archive formats that have given me a problem when I try to uncompress them

  • Samsung Files: best ui

    Android File explorer (using the shortcut from the play store): can read android/data folder and has access to some other apps like termux

    Total Commander because it has way more functions than the others

  • None of them.

    I can't see the hidden parts of the filesystem reserved for program data. So I can't backup program data with Syncthing.

    I use Google Files. Tried several F-Droid equivalents still disappointed.

    [Pixel 7 Pro]

  • Ghost Commander. It's not perfect but it's great for grabbing stuff from my Samba shares. And after so many file explorers got enshittified, I value open-source.

  • I don't really have a favorite. I use a combination of them: Google Files, FX File Explorer, ES File Explorer ( and Termux.

    Google Files is a simple to use general file manager. Mostly useful for finding big files and looking through downloads as it combines SD Card + Internal storage.
    FX File Explorer is a less powerful alternative to ES file explorer for me.
    ES File Explorer has a lot. And this old version can be nicely customized for free. I like the network storage features and simple music player. Select music to put into your playlist, and hit play. Quick, customized playlists.
    Termux if I want something extra. I generally use it for creating TAr archives and copying files along with their timestamps. Also a nicer text editor (Vim) and advantage of being able to SSH into my phone from computer.

  • X-Plore because there's no comparison to how much better it is to everything else I've tried. It's got side by side view. Supports SMB, FTP, USB, Wifi-Sharing and just about any other transfer method you could want. It works on Android phones, tablets, Quest and Pico VR headsets. It supports sharing files and media to and from other apps. You can easily share a video from your gallery to a network drive for example. It's very customizable too.

  • I have material files, but I use Total Commander the most. It is overkill but useful when I have to move stuff around on a server. It has an F-Droid Repo too, so bonus.

  • I've be n using Astro for ages. I tried a few and found them bloated and missing something. Astro has some extra bits I don't use but I never switched them on so it's not an issue. You can hide anything you don't use on the opening screen from the options too.