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  • Ah fuck that's one long mess of several words put together...

    Let's see....

    • What the fuck does lösch do in that word?????

      • Hilfe (help or assistance)

        Leistung (act, performance or service)

        Lösch (delete, remove, extinguish)

        Fahrzeug (vehicle)

        Hilfeleistungloschgruppenfahrze, or Extinguishment help service vehicle

  • Yes, these compount words might be the reason why we couldn't get rid of the damn Nazis for good: After the Second World War, we Germans ourselves probably didn't understand what the purpose of the "Entnazifizierungsbehörde" (authority to combat National Socialist ideology) was and, accordingly, could not really grasp why it was so important. A serious mistake that still has consequences to this day, unfortunately...

    /s, obviously