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  • Go through all my RPG saves and use all the super powerful items I've been "saving" to finally see what they all do.

  • I’d probably do a bunch of MDMA and just head to the beach or somewhere in nature and have a blast.

    I haven’t done drugs in over a decade and probably won’t ever get back into them, but man if I knew I only had 24 hours left I’d be back in a heartbeat.

  • Research life insurance policies, transfer my clients to other providers, and move everything important into my partner's name (car title, utilities, etc) and create a list of all my passwords and such for her.

    Just covering all the logistics would probably take most of the day, and I'd wanna clean and organize all my stuff/our apartment so she's not stuck with that too.

    I'd probably try to get about an hour on the phone with each of my immediate family members while I clean and organize.

    Hopefully I'd have a few hours left to spend with my partner in the evening, which I imagine we'd mostly spend crying together

    Also I'd max out my credit cards on online orders for stuff for my partner, friends, and family

  • Go for a drive, find a shady looking place to eat, eat something really bad for me and desert.

    Head home, play some video games, play some drums, chill… no reason (for me) to make it a big deal.

  • Dispose of some things family doesn't need to know i have, then go spend the rest of my life watching LoTR on a couch with some cats. Sounds like a fairly nice way to go out.

  • Sleep, wait until the end. Just keep mostly going as usual, I won't care about anything afterwards.

    Only difference, I'd donate all my money. Perhaps, I'd try to get one of those smaller loans some banks offer instantly (without giving a reason) and donate that too. Not sure if mine does that as well.

    But perhaps if I wasn't a coward and nobody knew I was going to die anyway, I'd attempt to commit suicide for statistical reasons.

    Makes me think about time travel again, because in this case the event could be caused by the time travel. I mean, the traveller goes back in time to cause an event that already happened. Perhaps that's the only reason why I was going to die.
    Could it work this way?
    Oh, wait, that's how it was in Interstellar, no? If you travel to the past you can only do things that cause you to travel to the past and do the exact same things.

    I am getting off-topic.

  • Try to make my relationships with the people I love more meaningful. That's probably really cliche though, but still.