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Are we remembered forever?

How much of the data do you think is collected, kept, and used long term? i.e. what proportion and amount

(I realize this might be a better question for privacy, but I managed to get myself banned for flaming some piracy folks)

  • Remember me? No one after a full generation turns over. My name is on reports and records and patents that will last until the collapse of the US and probably longer, so my name will be found occasionally. But no reason to remember it specifically from among the other 8.2 billion people alive at the same time.

    As for how much data will be collected and saved. I wouldn't count on anything lasting for long that doesn't have a specific retention policy.

  • Almost everything that has any value to someone will be collected. The actual data wont live long, but all the profiling done with it, will last slightly longer than I will.

  • You could argue that no one is ever truly remembered. Even people who are mentioned in history books and have their specific deeds remembered and preserved...

    ...within a couple of hundred years, there are no other humans left alive anywhere on the planet who personally knew said famous person. No one who knew them on any personal level, any more deeply that the handful of cold facts written down about them on record.

    We are meant to be forgotten. Just another thing we have to come to terms with regarding our existence.