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  • You know how cheaters ruin online games? How their fun relies on fucking everyone, abusing the system and winning without respecting the rules? The same applies to people like her, trump, musk, etc. They're "communication cheaters", they don't respect the rules, they abuse the system, yet platforms want us to believe that they deserve to be treated like common users.

    "Waah waah mah 🧊 🍑 waah waah censorship" - Fuck you. If free speech was a game, these people would be banned.

  • Bot? How do we know that isn't just another of Elon's alts?

    I suppose somebody could check if she's called him a good father recently...

  • AI is going to make misinformation a 100 times worse. There really needs to be laws with bot usage on social media and data privacy laws.

  • Mila Joy fucks DONKEYS*.

    Mila Joy is a HORSE FUCKER*.

    Leave Xhitter while you can.

    *It’s true, because lols