what's your most down voted comment?
what's your most down voted comment?
context also heavily welcome.
what's your most down voted comment?
context also heavily welcome.
Had to go and look. (don't really pay attention to these things normally)
Wooow, 180 seconds (which probably won’t even get to timeout) when shutting down my computer. My life is ruined forever because I had to wait sooooo much. /sarc
Me dissing yet another "SYSTEMD TAKES TOO LONG TO SHUT DOWN >:(((((((" whinememe on a Linuxmemes community.
I stand by what I said. If waiting 2 minutes for your computer to shut down is so life-ruining for you, you probably don't even know what a real problem smells like & should probably see a therapist about your lack of basic patience and frustration tolerance
Well, on one hand, two minutes is unacceptably slow, but on the other hand, why would anyone ever shutdown their computer so often that this matters?
I stream vr games, reboot before each stream for fresh, smooth run
Yeah I mean. To me "shutting down the computer" means I'll be going away from it
Like if I'm going out the house or to bed.
At that point I just tell the computer to turn off and walk away
Also really, waiting two minutes is not a big deal. Y'all are too spoiled by modern machines. Just go have a cup of coffee/water/diet coke/take a piss while your OS does its thing if you're doing a reboot for some reason.
You forget that faster startup and shutdown was a supposed feature repeated so often.
We just didn't know that looking sideways at dbus would require a restart so often.
Or that it was in hot-garbage dev flux for a production enterprise product. And it ignored all best practice. Silly things like that when we're basing our SLAs on stuff.
"We have no problem with trans people existing.
We just have problems with people making mockeries of trans people. No, your gender is not a dragon, and creating anthropomorphic animal characters is not a disorder, sexuality, or gender identity, even if you dress up as them or get off to porn of them.
You're why trans and disability rights are always going to be at a standstill. Whenever some stupid thing happens, like cat litter and dog beds in schools to accommodate furries, it's blamed on disabled and LGBT people, especially trans and nonbinary people, for existing.
You're why actual children being childish get abused into literally taking their lives, because you broadcast that role-playing as an animal or creating whimsical wacky characters are symptoms of autism instead of a child being a child. They end up in an ABA school that grooms them into believing constant reactive abuse is normal. They're never allowed anywhere outside of home, the short bus, and the school, because "if they acted like a dragon at a playground, they might actually believe they're a dragon and they need help". Then they end up mentally and physically ruined to the point of needing to live in a group home where they're further abused until they die of stress, a drug overdose by the staff to make them "convenient", or by their own hand. Because they liked dragons and pokemon a lot as a literal child.
You're part of the extremely vocal yet incredibly small minority of trans and disabled people that those in power, in charge of those communities' rights, look at and make decisions based on. You're why they get dehumanized and divided from society. You're why everyone else assumes everyone in these communities can't make rational decisions, and makes arbitrary - and usually unfair - decisions for them. You're why trans, nonbinary, and disabled voices are spoken over and ignored. You're why trans, nonbinary, and disabled people are treated like jokes.
We have a problem with the progress of our fight for transgender and disability rights being reversed because some internet users want clicks, clout, and imaginary points that will mean literally nothing in the next five years."
Guess the user and the instance, and who actually got downvoted and banned.
That whole ordeal gave fakedisordercringe vibes man. Super uncomfortable and obviously insincere yet fully supported, at least by the mods.
Pretty sure I know. That user was banned from my instance after using an alt to create a hate/harassment community against a user who dared to ban them from a community (a dragon community no less).
This entire thing was so stupid. It’s that one joke (you know which one) all over again. They were acting in a way that others couldn’t tell if they are a bad actor or not. That’s bad enough. But the mods giving something like this a pass is somehow worse.
I think I know who you’re talking about lol
What people tend to also forget is that every letter in LGBTQ stand for an entirely different group of people, yet they are threated as one community. Imagine Mechanics and Sales people would be part of the same union. 2 entirely different branches, with entirely different demands except that they all want to get paid on time.
For most it is just more convenient to bunch everybody who's apart from the "norm" into a single group and call it a day.
I'm personally against labels, but if you're going to give them names, then maybe don't pile them all together.
Edit: This is not personally a critique of what you said, it just fits the topic of tour comment.
What do you think aba is?
The shit I've endured for 10 years that destroyed every aspect of who I was as a child. The reason I hate just about everything aside from work and video games. I used to like just about all the entertainment media aimed at my age but that was exclusively caused by that stupid puzzle piece and not because I was a human being who liked stuff. And then that same stupid ass puzzle piece that made me like too many things too much is why I only enjoy work and games. Right, that stupid puzzle piece was why I wasn't supposed to be able to work at all, but that same stupid ass puzzle piece is why I was So Smart and knew how to get a job.
Actual human beings go through silly phases and emotions when they're teenagers, but I only did because of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting bodily autonomy and privacy was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece. Wanting to fucking shower was a symptom of that stupid puzzle piece, but so was smelling bad. ABA dumbed me down into dead weight alongside several other children. Imagine loving transformers and action movies as a teenager, must be a stupid disorder because no one actually likes those movies at all.
That shit destroys lives before they're given a chance to start. Literally mentally murdering the child and keeping a corpse alive.
Oh, right, I'm actually wrong because you lived a real life on the right side of society where everyone treated you like an actual real human being for your whole life, went to real school for real humans where you were actually encouraged to grow and learn, graduated a real high school where you were treated like an actual human being alongside all the other actual human beings and most likely have fun high school memories and pictures you actually consented to be in, then took a trendy test online and call yourself autistic for internet clout and "envy" people who were labeled with that shit as children and had their whole lives forcefully taken from them. Right.
That’s funny, one of my most downvoted is also about drag, but from the other side.
When I said that weed isn't harmless. I didn't say it should be criminal. I just don't like people pretending it has no downsides.
I'm a daily, many times per day, user of cannabis to manage anxiety and RA pain and I agree 100%
Cannabis has been by far the cheapest solution for my pain (it being recreationally legal in my state makes it cheaper than the traditional western medicine route). Cannabis has also been the source of much of my ails, often slashing my motivation or affording me a boredom enhancer just good enough to keep me from my hobbies. Cannabis is rough on the throat and lungs, and it's smoke (due to the nature of incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons) likely contains a large number of carcinogens and possible mutagens. Cannabis not having potential for addiction does not free it from having habit forming potential, especially in populations prone to substance abuse (such as neurodivergent folks), and as such it should be treated like, and respected as any other kind altering substance.
The legality of a product does not inform it's health risk nor benefits, and a product being "better" than another product does not inform it's being "good"
Yeah it's a sensitive subject given i could be unfairly thrown in jail just by smoking it.
Probably when I expressed support for Harris. As a "lib" I support transphobia and genocide, you see.
The left and infighting - name a more iconic duo (IMPOSSIBLE EDITION)
Infighting would imply harris is a part of the left. She's comfortably right wing by any measure. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's a valid political stance to take (not mine, but again, this is fine). Calling leftists disagreeing with harris leftist infighting is like calling the cold war leftist infighting.
No, the democrats will embrace transphobia the next election cycle so as to unsuccessfully court the right and alienate the left (a strategy which netted them a solid 1 out of the past three elections, which is 1 more than Jill Stein). This cycle they went after undocumented immigrants.
My most downvoted posts here were agreeing with Hillary Clinton in an interview where she said in a personal interview, not a campaign event, that left wing voters need to "get over it" (infighting during election season) and support then-candidate Biden because we only get 2 choices and if we don't we'll end up stuck with another Trump term.
It doesn't matter for shit if you protest. What matters is votes in elections.
In response to yet another thread encouraging people to get out and protest. By all means, do that. But if you really want to make an impact, vote.
But many of them didn't listen, so now we're all screwed. Hopefully not permanently, but it's looking grim.
Too many people forget that at the end of the day, if we're willing to do what it takes, the U.S. is still a democracy and votes are what choose our leaders. Lots of problems and lots of obstacles, but the people saying that voting doesn't matter are lying to themselves if not to everyone else.
It's a lie that only benefits the people who don't want us to vote. If they put that much effort into the lie, it proves that voting matters enough for them to try to stop it.
A question about if the voting age should be lowered.
I said that it should be higher instead because teens are stupid. I was back then, and I was considered one of the smart kids in school.
I agree, here in Germany they made some kind of voting available for 16 yr old, everyone was like "yeah this is good" I disagreed and got bashed on. (PS: I'm also a teen, and can't vote yet, I agree it should be higher.)
In general, I think making the right to vote conditional on some sort of intellectual test (which raising the voting age is, in some sense) suffers from at least three problems:
Firstly, my preference for democracy does not just stem from efficacy, but also from a moral angle. People should have a say in how their lives are run, even if they don't satisfy someone's criterion for intellectual eligibility.
Secondly, even from an efficacy angle there's problems with it, and we have historical examples of this. Literacy tests have been used around the globe to effectively bar minorities from voting. E.g. black people in the United States, and indigenous peoples in Latin America. As a result, the needs of those populations were ignored, which I would consider a failure in efficacy.
And finally, literacy is highly subjective. Maybe today the government comes up with a test that you agree with (age 26 and up), but maybe a future government adjusts the test to a point where you disagree (only after retirement, after you've lived to see most aspects of life, and are therefore most fit to intelligently cast your vote).
Does this mean I believe in extending suffrage to five year olds? No. I believe there's a balance to strike, and it's not a black and white issue. But as the history of literacy tests shows, this is an area to tread incredibly carefully, and I get why people were so quick to downvote you.
I can't prove it nowadays, but I once remarked that society should find a way for homeless people to be separated by how they became homeless.
The context was that homelessness is a spectrum and that being indiscriminate when doing anything related to the homeless downplays the enormous gap between forms of it. I've been on both sides of it before; I've technically been "homeless" (I've had a roof over my head for as long as I can remember, but it was often couch-hopping), as well as have done things related to the homeless. Sometimes I ask about it, I expect by now it might range between "I'm a teetotaler whose house burnt down and I've been on the streets ever since" to "I keep getting a home but keep losing it in shady gambles". Surely homelessness is a case-by-case thing, right?
People are blind to these differences, however. To most outsiders, homelessness is just homelessness. From the outside, these things don't come to mind when people are protective, so if you mention wanting to do it case-by-case, you feel the wrath of the population who I have seen seemingly insist I'm being discriminatory over victims of a sensitive topic. I think maybe a few hundred or so people weighed in against me. It was not only what many might call the most particularly severe example but also one of the earliest. The tragically "funny" thing is that it's one of those things where most people immediately learn the reality of as soon as they become a victim of homelessness, actually interact with them, or even spend time in a psych ward like me because a lot of them turn themselves in because it means you'll get care, so it becomes one of those things that's said to be like a litmus test for if someone is genuinely associated with it versus someone who sees portrayals of it and tries to look like they are.
This was probably all in the phrasing or maybe people just don’t understand the reality of the situation?
I worked for several years doing mobile therapy that included a significant amount of homeless outreach and crisis management. Everyone deserves to be housed, bottom line, but what it takes for that to happen is a complex situation
There’s the “xxx,xxx amount of homeless but xx,xxx,xxx amount of empty homes in america” statistic that people throw around. I forget the exact numbers but I’m pretty sure thats the scale, if not the take away is that you could literally give each homeless person a free house and still have millions of empty houses. But this would not solve homelessness, at least in the current system. The overwhelming majority would be back on the street fairly quickly. Even if you eliminate the need for mortgage there’s still the need for property taxation; if you eliminate that then communities start to get real shitty. Even if you eliminate that there’s still utility and food costs. Even if you eliminate that there’s still maintenance and not actively destroying the place.
Institutionalization isn’t necessarily the answer although in extreme cases it can be. We had supported rehabilitation programs that were pretty successful, basically apartments with staff that would keep tabs on you, help you budget, do resumes, help you get to drs appointments, make sure you took medications (but didn’t force you to unless there was a court order/probation situation and even then it wasn’t like a “force” situation although there was inherent coercion as not taking meds would be reported to po/court), apply for section 8, etc. you would stay there for a year or two and then move to a more independent placement once supports were in place.
There were also longer term programs for people who genuinely struggled and just couldn’t get that step down to work. These were similar but had less focus on connecting to services and were more akin to nursing homes with more psychiatric care
But then there were also more intensive residential programs we referred to for people with more serious mental illness or addiction issues
The issue, of course, was funding. We had like 32 beds in the short term and 11 in the long term. Funding was like 50% state funding, 20% grants, 30% donations and fundraising and the budgets were tight. Meanwhile the town probably had 30-50 actively homeless at any given point on top of whoever wasn’t in the program and another 50-100 with insecure housing. Even the intense programs, which generally had more secure state funding, still had an overall lack of beds and would have very long wait lists. Sad stuff.
That was about a decade ago now, I feel like it has to be worse now post Covid and trump. I can only imagine what the next 4 years will do to their funding
It’s almost as of there are archetypes for patients in hospitals due to common, middle of the bell curve occurrences of comorbidities. Example: diabetic dialysis patient with anemia and 1-2 amputations above/below the knee due to pernicious vascularization complications. No, that’s not your family member, that is a common scenario given the convergence of certain conditions.
Should medical professionals be indiscriminate here? Treat everyone like a dialysis patient? No. That sounds ridiculous because it is. People are wild and varied within every context including homelessness.
Here’s an archetype situation seen among the homeless population. A pernicious issue with lower extremity circulation occurs (due to diabetes, frostbite, infection left untreated) such that patient can no longer walk after receiving medical care (often amputation). Patient is also homeless and can’t just be discharged to street due to inability to walk. Patient needs to be placed, on Medicaid, in a nursing home. Patient is on the sexual predator list and thus no nursing home will allow them in their facility. Patient sits in hospital room taking up space, not receiving medical care because they no longer need any, waiting, for months. That hospital room is now a hotel room with medical professionals supplying room service.
Go to the sex offender registry and do a 3 mile radius search of your own address. Good odds you’ll find some, and more than you think you should. No address, then how do these guys get registered by their location?
It’s not as daily scenario, but a memorable one that happens every 3-6mos like clockwork. And those are just the homeless sex offenders coming in for medical treatment that cannot then just be discharged back to street.
People are not the same and should not be treated as such. You are not wrong there. Destroying children shouldn’t receive the same consideration for an apartment as someone living in their car due to a bit of bad luck.
I suggested that good music comes from republican administrations without clarifying that I was thinking about bands like Rage Against The Machine, System Of A Down, Dead Kennedys, etc.
That's an interesting way of thinking about that. Huh. Sone of my favorite bands too. So if we lived under a peaceful just administration then what? Constant peaceful melodies. Do we need a machine to rage against for great music.?? You may be onto something
I guess, if you declare that as good music. which is really subjective. but meh.
Which is funny because Rage broke up when W Bush got elected.
The post: A picture of bowing nurses in a hospital with the caption: "Chinese Doctors bow down to an 11-year-old boy with brain cancer who saved several lives by donating his organs.He wanted to give another people a second chance he never got"
The comment: "ok, let me position myself.. 3..2..1.. bow everyone!"
The point being that these idiots obviously either bowed just for the camera or had to organise to recreate the bowing moment, both of which are absurd.
It wasn't heavily down voted but people didn't like my comment explaining that the first time I saw #metoo, I thought it was funny because when I was a kid "hashtag" hadn't been invented yet, that's the pound sign.
Probably one a few weeks ago where I said civilised people shouldn't condone murder even if the victim is a bad person.
I still don't feel bad about such people getting adjusted if it means a shift in perspective.
The thing is that symbolic murders can have consequences so good they greatly outweight the bad action. That's why we killed our king in france. Sure killing is bad, and he wasn't that guilty as he was just dumb, but killing him changed the world for good
It's like the Trolley Problem, though. If the death of one person might cause fewer other people to die, could it be justified?
You gamble with your own life too?
In total downvotes, when I expressed support for a smoking ban. I can understand why some people would downvote that I guess.
Proportionally, calling out Hexbear for being authoritarian and rude on lemmy.ml.
On reddit. I think it was a comment about how DLSS was going to make devs lazy and optimize their games less because DLSS would do the work for them. People thought I was crazy.
Under a news story of a youth who fatally injured himself while playing with a gun, I got 38 downvotes but a lot more upvotes.
I am apalled to see the comments here making light of the death of a child with their “win stupid prizes” schtick.
Instead of talking about access to gun safety education if kids are in a gun household. Instead of reminding parents about the absolute necessity of gun safes. Instead of calling for gun reform so kids can’t get guns in the first place.
But no, carry on victim blaming, seems much more productive.
These phrases activate my cringe neurons so hard even though the people writing them are probably really nice.
“play stupid games win stupid prizes”
“they fucked around found out”
“but why tho?”
“por que no los dos?”
it’s like, you felt an urge to comment something but didn’t want to commit to engaging with your own words and ideas so my brain blurs it as essentially spam.
Here? Either an unpopular opinion or replying to a comment I misinterpreted. Nothing too bad. Reddit? I got banned from a sub because I disagreed with breeding dogs into messed up mutants that couldn’t breathe or bark right. Probably that one.
I think this is mine, 187 people didn't like identifying Kamala as Bidens hand-picked successor
I corrected a commenter who clearly hadn't read the article the post was based on. 22 up/31 down. I was obviously a Russian bot, you see. XD
Did you read the article? Biden made many of Trump's tarrifs permanent and Harris, while critical of Trump's tarrifs, hasn't put forth her own plan or disowned the Biden strategy.
Edit: Fucksake, Lemmy. It says this in the article. I said nothing positive or negative about either candidate or their positions on tarrifs. 😆
When I made a troll post about 09.11 and wine 9.11 release.
Something like: "wine 9.11 has landed" + some wtc attack picture with wine logo on it.
edit: And there was a reply to a comment about how the chinese communist army is the most peaceful and just army in the world. I just shared a picture of the Tiananmen Square 'Tank Man.' I got banned on lemmy.ml and downvoted to oblivion.
Yeah gaining massive downvotes on ml is like cheating in this "competition", it's so easy over there.
When I said that excessive profits are essentially stealing in the context of Steam: https://lemm.ee/post/37004161/13249135
I still stand by that comment very much. If a company makes a lot more than most other companies per employee, then quite obviously the profit margin is much higher than other companies. If the profit margin is much higher than other companies, then the price could be lowered. Steam is obviously the best and basically a monopoly which is why they can do that, but this is an example of how capitalism does not lead to the best efficiency.
I'm essentially advocating against more profit. I live a relatively poor life by choice. Almost everyone I meet calls me crazy, I rather work less than earn more money. I think one of our main problems as a species for sustainability is that everyone always wants more and more and is never satisfied. This applies individually and to companies/other organizations. As long as my basic needs like food and housing are covered, I'm happy.
I feel you, I think the pro-steam stance here on Lemmy is a bit confusing.
I actually don't find it confusing at all, as I'm also pro-Steam. They do a lot of very cool things and actually much better than everyone else. But they're still part of a systemic problem that is worth criticizing/raising awareness for/solving.
It's an example of team sports/tribalism. People either see a thing as universally good or universally bad. Steam is the Good Guy, so our psyche is wired to not criticize them as much as possible.
I once made fun of someone on hexbear for denying genocide. A few days later, all of my recent comments had exactly the same number of downvotes, somewhere in the ballpark of 20, all across different communities. Whichever one of those comments received the least upvotes is my personal winner.
As an added bonus, this was after hexbear disabled downvotes, so they had to either pay for bots or run bots on an instance other than hexbear to pull that off.
Edit: Looks like a tankie read this and decided the appropriate response was to go to my profile and comment unhinged replies on all my recent comments. Thanks mods for cleaning them up so quickly.
Hexbear did that with me and now they got defederated from the french instance
Let me guess. You care a lot about those chinese muslims dying in camps don't you?
Meanwhile nowhere did you say anything about the genocide in palestine.
You don't give a shit about genocide victims, idiot. Your outrage is entirely politically motivated.
I posted that the new Twitter logo looked like a broken image icon.
That was a weird week. Every post I had ever made, going back to the day I registered my account, got dozens of downvotes. I figure someone with dozens of accounts used me as a test case for one-man-brigading.
Went to your account and sorted comments by Controversial. I see what you mean. Your most downvoted comments seem really benign.
A comment describing car ownership as a lifestyle choice... on the fuck cars muni.
Probably when I debated with some kids that thought capitalism is the root cause of loneliness. My point was that loneliness was a condition of being alive- not a result of a system of government. Besides… There’s loneliness in communist countries too. Safe to say capitalism cased that? Shit… Even animals get lonely. I’m pretty sure animals don’t really have a concept of the inner workings of capitalism. And even if there is an anecdotal instance or two- it’s still a dumb thing to hang on capitalism.
There’s enough real shit you can pin on capitalism to argue its ineffectiveness. But loneliness?
Loneliness appeared the moment humans stopped living in tribes
Yep. And according to a lot of people on lemmy, that’s around when capitalism must have started.
i once criticized Salvador Dali's artwork. turns out people really love that guy and i'm a moron
"Art is subjective" - Art Fan.
"... No, I didn't mean like that" - Also Art Fan
Well Dalis work are art no discussion needed IMO, Dada toilets or pouring paint, well let's say that I don't think it's art, but be free to think that if you so do.
This one: https://feddit.nl/post/1819542/1925630
The funny thing is, if you click on the context button and show all the comments, one agreeing with me has something like 120 upvotes, so I suppose I was just being too cheeky or something. Sometimes I wonder what proportion of people are using the downvote as a disagree button compared to as a "doesn't contribute to the discussion" button.
I use it as a "don't like it" so if I disagree I downvote, if it doesn't fit in the discussion I down vote as well. I don't think it matters too much, what matters is your own opinion.
Mine was saying that 15 is old enough to be aware of what's going on in the world regarding some UK teen that gave up UK citizenship to move to some place in the Middle East and wasn't allowed to come back. Or something along those lines.
It got -20.
Any time I point out that nuclear energy from new plants is really fucking expensive. Some people get mad at me for pointing out basic economics.
I know you're all going to have to get this out of your system, so go ahead. Mock the leftists who stubbornly refused to vote for Kamala. Assign the blame for fascism taking over on those who could not see past their principles to the bigger picture (at least, as you see it). Eventually, you're going to have to move on and acknowledge that the blame cannot fall solely on them.
I voted for Kamala Harris. I, like most of you, felt strongly that doing so was necessary to prevent a far worse outcome. In the short term. The truth is, those that you mock for failing to see what was so plain to you were looking past it to an even larger picture, and that is why they could not see the strategic necessity of their vote. Why they chose not to see it, just as many of you choose not to see something that is very plain to them, the inevitability of this outcome.
Kamala Harris began her campaign to thunderous applause from those who were hopeful that the Democratic Party was finally embracing progressive ideals, only to then abandon and insult those very same hopefuls while moving further to the right than even Biden dared go. Kamala Harris then also proceeded to approach the economically anxious right with the same limp-wristed and tired economic messaging that has consistently failed to address the concerns of the working class. She campaigned as a moderate old Republican, the very same that the Republican electorate abandoned in favor of Trump.
A large number of progressives and radical leftists saw this and surrendered. They sacrificed their hope for change and reform to preserve their principles, and embraced accelerationism where previously they resisted it. I felt what they felt but held onto hope not because I truly believed Kamala Harris would turn around, but because I feared that we were not ready. I voted for Kamala Harris because I wanted to buy just a little more time, but fascism is here now, and we've run out of time.
Accept responsibility, stop assigning blame, we can't afford to. Accept responsibility not because you are at fault, but because no one else will.
Roughly equal number of upvotes and downvotes on this one, commented on a thread in c/meanwhileongrad bashing some random tankies after the election for abstaining or voting 3rd party. I stand by it.
Mine, at 75 downvotes, was:
You know, if you use Linux you don’t have to jump through hoops like this (trivial though they may be). Wouldn’t it be nice to not have an adversarial, abusive relationship with your OS?
This was on a thread about some workaround to remove ads in Windows.
It was still very net positive in terms of upvote/downvote ratio, so Microsoft simps can suck it, LOL.
As someone who loves and prefers Linux but is forced to use Windows for work, I wouldn't necessarily have down voted you, but I can understand why people did.
Edit: but I up voted you here, if that helps.
I made a comment about proton VPN being a L data miner and now we see the CEO bootlicking trump. Funny how that turned out
Had to skim through a bit, but it appears to be this one:
I suggested that people could use throwaway temporary email accounts if they didn't want to risk using their real email to register for Sony's annoying forced PSN registration for their PC games.
I've shared a few hot takes here and there on Lemmy so I am surprised that this one ended up being my lowest (so far).
I don't know if I was downvoted for angering the Sony fans by notion that there could be security concerns with PSN, or people who disliked the suggestion that they didn't have to use their real emails to still register for an account, or both.
Without looking I’m pretty sure it was something about MLK’s dream speech where he mentions:
“…right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers…”
So, nothing massively contentious so far. The transcriber had capitalised the “B” of black but not the “W” of white. I suggested that seemed a very unequal way to address inequality. There was a mini downvote frenzy - eventually some diamond pointed out “AP” has a style guide that suggest capitalisation of one but not the other is correct. Seems weird, but there it is.
In all my days, the two most hated comments I dropped were:
I was third in a chain of "Nice"s. I think about my crimes every day.
In Reddit, years ago, I was writing about protecting endangered whales. Apparently it was quite the pro whaling community that day. Never knew I could get more than -100 downvotes, but I far surpassed that
I mistook a VLC update for enshittification. Can't remember what the update was about because I deleted the comment lol
their recent AI-powered auto subtitling perhaps
I was on a Ford reddit forum. OP was pissed that their timing belt (chain?) broke, and was convinced that the repair shop she had previously went to had sabotaged her motor. I commented that these things do in fact break, and that the shop might not have been the culprit. Holy Downvotes Batman.
I am not sure. A mod already deleted it and I don’t care enough to look it up. Probably some dumb shit I wrote while being on autopilot.
It was a post about how Google had been asked to take down links to websites selling black market hormonal transition drugs and I suggested that no one should be buy them from shady sources like that in the first place as those compounds are important enough to not just buy whatever you can find as a personal attempt to fix body dysphoria.
People just wanted to be upset.
Though I have also been recently banned from upliftingnews for not being uplifted enough about basic stuff and had a mod tell me I don't belong in their communities so I'm surprised anyone agrees with me ever apparently.
to be fair, the point of the community probably is to uplift people so if youre doing the opposite...
Haha I know I know. It just wasn't very uplifting either.
I reacted to a comment to a meme about parents having the power and the right to withhold what their children's privileges relating to some trauma I've got.
The comment I replied to went:
We take away what each kid values the most. Works well. If they complain or don’t stop whatever got them in trouble we start adding days.
In hindsight, taking the context, it's kinda reasonable, but I was triggered by the “what each kid values the most” remembering a painful part of my childhood, which lead me to be way less open to my mother.
Wouldn't that end up with a kid who values nothing, not even their own life?
My mom used a similar technique to get me to do what she wants me to do, and I ended up, well, the way I am right now. I hide a lot of things from her, and if necessary, only pretend to show interest in things I don't give a damn about just to have a semblance of a personality. Worse, even if I die right after this comment, I wouldn't mind one bit.
Admittedly, that last part is totally unnecessary.
That response became my most controversial and downvoted for understandable reasons.
For context I asked if there was a way to disable "tips and tricks" (aka ads) in the lock screen in Windows without activating Windows. I was told to use NAS (Microsoft Activation Scripts, that can activate windows) in github but I replied with "without activating Windows"
I posted a meme of Trump giving the viewer the double fingers with "Cry Harder" as a caption.
It was intended to be sarcastic, as in NOT Pro-Trump, and a cursory view of that account's posting history would support that view.
The crowd went berserk and that account was banned from the Political Memes, News, and asklemmy.....
Was there anything to suggest it was satire, like the title maybe?
dang... I hate when this happens, you post something, and you think its abvious satire. And then nobody gets it and you get insulted by your own peers.
Don't know actually. mbin doesn't support sorting comments by... points?
Lemmy (well, photon at least) doesn't either. I just went back 10 pages or so to find one.
It looks like I make 5 comments a day on average. Been here for a year, so that's not happening 😅
I said switch owners have never played real games on a greentext that is no longer available because it was hosted on kbin
I don’t know how to find that on lemmy. I don’t know how to get my top comment either. None of the sorting functions seem to work.
didn't know there were sorting functions, I just like to go through my comments sometimes and noticed my most down voted one, that got me curious. But a sorting function would be pretty epic...
Profilie -> comments tab -> sort by controversial
It would also be interesting to see which comment is most disliked (which one has the most net negative score), but I don't think there's a sort that does that.
Yes I’ve tried the obvious path. It doesn’t sort them.
More just that Bethesda is the biggest maker of Triple A RPGs and they're finally updating the creation engine in a significant way. That said, to my knowledge, its still one of the more technically advanced RPGs (even if it doesn't do much with that tech) and could hopefully at least work as a proof of concept to more ambitious developers.
I made the mistake of going against the circlejerk and saying Starfield was relatively advanced tech by RPG standards. I was called toxic for even daring to suggest it was trying to innovate.
I definitely see your point. A good game is not just the tools that make it, but the vision to use them the right way.
People still love Fallout New Vegas, even though it was built on the same tools as Fallout 3 (and most other Bethesda games), but that's because Obsidian were able to build a better game out of those tools than Bethesda could.
I know it's cool to call out Bethesda for how buggy their engine is, but Starfield launched relatively bug-free. It's the gameplay systems, story, and repetitive world design people had issues with. A better developer could probably make a better game out of Starfield's tech.
"Or you can also play the game and buy the item ingame for 500RC, it's not that big of a deal."
About Dragon's dogma 2's character editor system.
They made it more lenient but I stand by what I said. I changed my characters aspect several times and I never put extra money. People were piiiiiiised about the extra one time purchase p2w stuff capcom put in the single player game, as if that was not their norm in most of their titles.
Good game, trash ending compared to the first one though.
BTW, my most controversial comment is also about DD2 LMAO:
" I'm going to be downvoted to hell, but I'm loving the game, and all the mtx and complaints about the easy to travel and such are from people that didn't play the original, honestly. This game is like the original but better, maintaining the spirit of the original.
Yes, you could buy revival stones in the original too.
The legit complains are the performance issues and crashes, but anything else... Idk what to tell you, they knew that the slow gameplay that is expected of the player would not be well received but wanted to conserve the original feel, so if you want to bypass the original feel go for it. I won't. "
I think those downvotes are justified. You should only have to pay for things that give you MORE playtime
I fully agree with your second sentence, you don't have to do it tough, there are avenues in game to do everything. Shortening your play time because you pay is stupid and pointless. The way people demonized the game for something that's optional that degrades the game experience is beyond me. Saying that they designed the slow game thinking of the money store, when the game is following the spirit of the original very well is idiotic.
In any case, you are entitled to your opinion.
Dragons Dogma was one of my favorite games growing up. Bought it and beat it several times across several consoles. Currently starting my second playthrough of Dragons Dogma 2, my biggest issue is that if I wanted more Dragons Dogma, I'm going to go play the OG! I want what was promised and sold by Itsuno! :(
I'm pretty sure my bickering about the election. I was very unpopular during that period. Now I'm just regular unpopular. 👍🏾
My most downvoted comment is me trolling during the US elections. My comment says that I won't vote, without giving the context of being unable to vote due to not being an US citizen. But it would be obvious to those paying attention to my instance. https://feddit.org/comment/2935779
I remember seeing this, I LOLed.
"This is the reaction to the other side's reaction. Now we push edgy again, and you guys get called 2018 dinosaurs."
It was basically a conversation about the culture wars and political correctness on Reddit. I think of things in cycles. The Reddit Human Resources crew thought they'd be in power forever because they're objectively "right."
Not the case.
Must be this one, but the downvotes were part of the game in that thread so I guess it doesn't really count. Other than that I've never gotten more than like 3 downvotes on a post.
Mine was: "I will make it my life's purpose to pay for a business class fight on a smartwatch, no scratch that, a smart ring, i will report back with further progress."
This was in relation to a post about how anything important or meaningful should be done on a large monitor and not a phone or otherwise.
It got 3 downvotes