Apparently we're doing fierce AF kitty yawns?
Apparently we're doing fierce AF kitty yawns?
She had to get shaved after a tree sap incident.
Apparently we're doing fierce AF kitty yawns?
She had to get shaved after a tree sap incident.
A lion!
That's one gigantic kitty!
The table blending in with the floor makes the cat look bigger than the stove
Ready for job interview
I want to participate, but finding the rare pics when they’re yawning in a pile of thousands is too much. I looked through the past year and gave up. It’ll have to happen organically. But when I find one, I’ll post it.
Also, one of my kitties had lion buzz after heatstroke when we were driving through the Mojave desert and the AC died. Can’t even find those pics atm. Wow, I really need to organize my data. That’s a job for future me.