Don't let your engineers get hooked on this drug
Don't let your engineers get hooked on this drug
Don't let your engineers get hooked on this drug
E/acc people are slobbering clods. Don’t follow that account. Same as the protonatalism freaks.
Just tried to look it up. So e/acc is basically AI bros?
Yeah. The ethos is basically "AI will solve everything, so if we just solve AI, we can ignore everything else. AI will even solve the issues with AI, so we shouldn't waste any time solving them first."
Here's people mocking them
What is this meme about? I'm not a developer, so I have no idea. I'm speaking as mod and deciding whether to pull it..
If you liked Factorio but want cuter characters and less violence, try Oxygen Not Included.
less violence
You say that, but if those dupes dont put on the fucking spacesuit again for the millionth time, the colony is going to get some "fresh hires" soon.
What is "one-shotted" in the context of drugs, specifically psychedelics? I.e., why does that term make the person first think of ayuhuasca?
In the case of drugs, people usually refer to someone being "one shotted" when they experience long term or permanent changes because they took too much, the wrong drug, or just weren't psychologically ready for it.
Thanks, that makes sense
My guess is they overhaul their life after a trip; realize they hate their job and go do something else.
Just a guess though
Sounds reasonable, I'll take it!
Nowadays I'd say that applies more to balatro than anything else
I tried it. Looks like a very fun and addictive game that I'm too dumb to play well.
If thou stare to deep into the factory the factory stares into you(and consumes you)
Realest comment right here. Factorio does not want me to play it. I'd stink it up with my unimaginative, linear thinking.
Everyone starts with a big pile of spaghetti. Refining that spaghetti over years of replays is the way you get good
Currently dealing with a Rim World addiction