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  • "Criminals they forced into the United States" = "Invasion"

    "Repatriation" != "Deportation"

    Repatriation is what happens when you return a POW to their country of origin. Deportation is when you return a criminal to their country of origin.

    POWs are not entitled to access to the criminal justice system. They can be held indefinitely without charges, or returned to their country of origin, without judicial oversight. Since deportation is a judicial process, POWs are not subject to deportation.

    POWs are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of US law; Trump is arguing that the children of "invader-immigrants" can't be citizens.

  • It would be a good idea that Mexico, Columbia and other latin countries promote the Trump Wall, but expelling all US residents in their countries. A wall always works in both directions.