Threads is offically getting ads
Threads is offically getting ads

Threads is offically getting ads
It's also getting 230% more hard-right vibes.
Defederate please...
Surely people can't be surprised by this? When I occasionally look at FB now, it's probably 80% sponsored ads or follow this type "posts"
Can one enshittify that which was already shit?
There is always more shit.
I’m surprised it didn’t start with them
Yeah, is in the name already threADS
Does that mean they stop just shy of three ads?
with the platform officially launching on July 5, 2023
1 year, 6 months, 21 days excluding the end date
So it takes about a year and a half for the true colours to shine through.
Zuck said from the beginning that advertising would come when they reached N number of users. I wanna say he said billion, but I'm not interested in any of their platforms and never really cared either way.
I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t know this was bound to happen sooner or later.
"Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren."
How can I choose to block threads? and show up when I search for it, but are those the actual thing? I think