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  • In Star Wars the droids seem pretty ok with their situation as servants. I suppose you could describe Zora in Discovery similarly, but I'm struggling to think of other examples in Trek.

  • I would say no. I mean, the treatment fits the universe (lots of people enslaving other people), but there isn't even a subtle condemnation of this. In many ways, despite it tending to be a story about rebellion, Star Wars mostly tells a story with the status quo; especially in the original trilogy, there's never really an "are we the good guys" moment. (I could be wrong - been ages since I watched anything Star Wars.)

    Meanwhile, Star Trek is constantly examining itself, with Starfleet officers often "stop[ping] to debate the rights of a robot" or whether the self-respect of one Starfleet officer is worth the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. Even when they treat synths like crap, it's usually depicted as being morally wrong.

    This is a bit of a tangent, but this question makes me think about the evolution of Ood depictions in Doctor Who. Their first appearance was a bit weird about their enslavement, but they rectified that in later episodes.

    P.S: I think this question is more suited for c/startrek than Daystrom Institute, as it's more about comparing the themes of two franchises than any in-universe explanation.